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在影片中搜索: 标签[BEYOND]

美好時光/Wonderful Times / 梁翘柏

女演員在現實與電影世界的纏擾中迷失,自閉音樂人面對著中年危機。年青警員因女友的去世而以自虐的行為來責罰自己。老歌手為自己安排了精彩的最後人生旅程。各人的共通點是,他們都有一個沒有意圖與外界溝通的美好世界。直至命案發生後,結局才變得樂觀起來。 Synopsis An actress confuses herself between her roles in movies and her real life; an autistic composer is confronting a mid-life crisis; a young cop is expressing her remorse for the lost of her girlfriend through this masochistic behavior; an old singer f...

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