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Kontakthof/ / Pina Bausch

Kontkthof 這個字在德文的解釋有兩個,一是指監獄中囚犯們「放風」時休息散步的區域,另一個是妓院中嫖客與妓女公開見面、相互打探彼此的沙龍(大房間、廳院),嫖客也在此挑選物色妓女。 《交際場》可以說相當地苦情,男女一直從彼此身上找尋愛和溫柔,但這尋找總是行不通,他們的寂寞令人難以忍受,天時地利人合,總是對不上。 Quelle: 《表演藝術》第九十九期,2001年3月 《交際場》老人版(Kontakthof mit Damen und Herrn ab 65) 2000 年,烏帕塔舞蹈劇場(Tanztheater Wuppertal)誠徵六十五歲以上男女來演出這個作品,大家毫無...

Ulysse/ / Agnès Varda

This film is now being exhibited as the middle section of a trilogy of documentaries about photography Ms. Varda has done over her career as Ciné Vardaphoto. If you get a chance to see any of the three you will be engaged into a vibrant examination of what is photography, memory, history, and the artistic process. Be prepared to think, and revel in one woman's amazing ability to constantly provoke us to examine and re-examine our human condition. Ulysse itself uses one particular photo the direc...

Two Cigarettes in the Dark/ / Pina Bausch

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