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云在青天水在瓶/A Love That Will Never / 徐立


恋夕阳/Come to Daddy / 魏建刚

我们常常想象老年生活的悲惨,想象自我孤单身影拉长在无尽的黑夜。然而,他60岁,为了了解中国老年同志生活走遍大江南北;他70岁,为了追逐青春从来不曾停息;他72岁,和男友相伴50年相信有一种爱可以永存;他81岁,如果有人诬蔑老年人性功能衰退他一定会出庭作证反对。人说最美不过夕阳红,让我们跨越时代的鸿沟,探索年老的奥秘。来自于中国,意大利,比利时和荷兰四位老同志将为我们解读他们在过去,在现在,在未来。  Synopsis: In a world where Botox controls the facial expressions of more and more people, it seems like ...

SOFT AND HARD (A soft conversation between two friends on a hard subject)/ / Jean-Luc Godard

The majority of this video consists of Godard and companion, Mieville sitting on the sofa and discussing the aesthetic emptiness of television, and why their current films have been less sucessful on some levels. It is tedious and extremely pretentious. It is very withdrawn, and I'm sure hardcore Godard loyalists with attribute this to the commentary he is creating, but the video seems to wallow in its own self importance - making it almost unbearable

麦收/Wheat Harvest / 徐童

时值六月,麦尖已经泛黄。她从北京回到河北老家。她爹趴在炕上输液;她娘出门赶集了……生活好像从来就是这样,平常,没有意外。 早先一段日子,在北京东郊,一个叫高西店的混乱肮脏的街边,在一个没有名字没有转灯的昏暗的小发廊里,这个才满二十岁的农村丫头,她的妓女生活便露出一角…… 她说决不跟客人动感情,却瞧上一个姓许的嫖客…… 她瞧不起高西店的老板娘,因为她“太贪财了”…… 她忘不了先前带她来北京入行的头一个老板——陈哥,可惜,去年冬天他出了事…… 她爹病重,她把所有的钱都贴给家里,自个儿打算揣着一百块钱再回...

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