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Last Supper/最後的晚餐 / Lars Bergstrom

?」美學大師蔣勳認為鬼才達文西最有名的一幅壁畫「最後的晚餐(Last Supper)」提供了答案,因為「達文西要繪畫的不只是『晚餐』,而是一個生命不可逃避的宿命主題——死亡。」蔣勳在「破解達文西密碼」一書中這麼說。 與達文西畫作同名的這部紀錄片,同樣延續了達文西的企圖,除了揭開環繞著死亡周遭的神秘外,更讓世人思考被決定的死亡(死刑)的荒謬。而讓知道死亡即將來臨的人享用(選擇)最後一餐,究竟是因為信仰?贖罪?憐憫?還是讓活的人自己心安? 紀 錄片「最後的晚餐(Last Supper)」以最惡名昭彰的美國德州Huntsville州...

Ten Minutes Older/ / Spike Lee

dream come true for art-house film buffs, and anyone whose out looking for an interesting way to spend 90 minutes. This is perhaps one of the most amazing collection of short films. The secret lies in the vast variety of genre and style of the films. From pure eye-candy to dramatic documentaries. In a collection like this, there is no such thing as "out of place". I found all the films enjoyable and interesting. For me, the weakest segment was the Wim Wenders film. It felt like an episode of a m...

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