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私房青春/Private Youth / 吕晓娟
08年5月份,写完毕业论文,大家都在静静等侯答辩和毕业。我便拿起DV,逐一采访了我们班(北京电影学院04级文学系本科)的21位同学和主任教员庄宇新,其中的话题聊到了四年,聊到了同学老师,聊到了电影梦想和以后,最重要的是,聊得都是我们自己的私房话,我们自己的私房青春。 When my classmates all finished their theses and waited for competitive examination, I picked up my DV, went to interview them one by one. There are 21 students and our advisor Zhuang Yuxin. We talked about these four years in academy, talke...« 上一页 1 下一页 »