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在影片中搜索: 标签[魏阿挺]

我和你/You And Me / 魏阿挺

一群新加坡孩子在中国一个贫困偏远地区的小村庄经历一个改变生活的体验,这种移动纪录片拍摄往往在成年人眼中似乎毫无意义。孩子们之间的结合建立在不同两个世界之上的这个时刻,真正的友谊来自不可避免的冲突和文化的冲击... Synopsis: A group of privileged Singaporean kids are going through a life-changing experience in a small poor village of a remote part of China. This moving documentary captures intimates moments often seems meaningless in the eyes of adults. A bond between the children from two worlds w...

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