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梅子的滋味/Taste of Plum / 郭笑芸

    朱家三兄弟在地震中失去家園和母親,卻也因為居住的山區崩塌成一片奇景而絕處逢 生。

老妈蹄花/ / 艾未未

紀錄片《老妈蹄花》是艾未未工作室为2009年8月12日“谭作人煽动颠覆国家政权”案的审理过程中, 四川成都警方拘禁证人,暴力干扰司法程 序而制作。 

老妈蹄花/ / 艾未未

紀錄片《老妈蹄花》是艾未未工作室为2009年8月12日“谭作人煽动颠覆国家政权”案的审理过程中, 四川成都警方拘禁证人,暴力干扰司法程 序而制作。 

老妈蹄花/Disturbing the Peace / 艾未未

   紀錄片《老妈蹄花》是艾未未工作室为2009年8月12日“谭作人煽动颠覆国家政权”案的审理过程中, 四川成都警方拘禁证人,暴力干扰司法程 序而制作。 。        Ai Weiwei studio production “LAO MA TI HUA” is a documentary of an incident during Tan Zuoren’s trial on August 12, 2009. Tan Zuoren was charged with “inciting subversion of state power”. Chengdu police detained witnessed during the trial of the civil rights advocate, which is an obstruction of justice and violence.

4851/ / 艾未未

   你的87分钟,他们的一生。    2008年5月12日14点28分,中国四川发生大地震,5000多名中小学生被埋入废墟当中,中国政府拒绝公布他们的名字,于是,“公民调查”开始寻找这些遇难学生的名字和相关信息。截止2009年9月2日,公民调查共确认了4851名遇难学生信息。本片献给这些逝去无辜的生命。    At 14:28 on May 12, 2008, an 8.0-magnitude earthquake happened in Sichuan, China. Over 5,000 students in primary and secondary schools perished in the earthquake, yet their names went unannounced. In reaction to the g...

念/Remembrance / 艾未未

   2010年4月24日00:51,@aiww推特上发起纪念5.12遇难学生名单录制活动《念》。3444位网友发送音频,5205个遇难学生的名字被念了12140次。推友献给四川地震死难学生的大型声音作品《念》,表达对无辜生命逝去的追念和对掩盖豆腐渣真相的愤怒。 On April 24, 2010 at 00:51, Ai Weiwei (@aiww)
started a Twitter campaign to commemorate
students who perished in the earthquake in
Sichuan on May 12, 2008. 3,444 friends from the Internet delivered voice recordings, the names of 5,205 perished were recited 12,140 ti...

深表遗憾/So Sorry / 艾未未

    纪录片《深表遗憾》是《老妈蹄花》的续集,以艾未未2009年德国慕尼黑展览命名,讲述了艾未未和中国政府之间紧张关系的缘由。在《老妈蹄花》中,艾未未作为证人到中国成都为维权人士谭作人出庭作证。     Ai Weiwei’s outspoken activism over the Wenchuan earthquake results in round-the-clock surveillance and ongoing police harassment. While preparing for his exhibition “So Sorry” at the Haus der Kunst in Munich, Ai suffers frequent and intense headaches and is diagnosed with a life-threatening bra...

喊/Shouting Out / 艾未未

    一个声音项目。艾未未和他的工作室的工作人员喊处一共5196个在四川地震中死去的学生的名字。     On May 12, 2008, an 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck Wenchuan, Sichuan province. Over 5,000 students in primary and secondary schools perished in the disaster. In the aftermath, Chinese authorities suppressed information regarding the number of student deaths. Ai Weiwei initiated a ‘Citizens\' Investigation,’ uncovering the names of over 5,000 victims. In October 2013, Ai began Shouting Out, an ...

直/Straight / 艾未未

   2008年5.12四川大地震后,倒塌的建筑的钢筋被清理。艾未未购买了许多这种被清理出来的钢筋送到他北京的工作室。       On May 12, 2008, Sichuan province suffered a devastating earthquake with a heavy death toll and many more left injured and displaced. School buildings constructed from substandard materials, by corrupt government officials and contractors, collapsed, resulting in the deaths of thousands of children. Ai Weiwei and a team of volunteers travel extensively throughout the areas of...

Outside the Great Wall/ / 翰光

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