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Riten/The Ritual / Ingmar Bergman

This is a somewhat odd and enigmatic film from Bergman; perhaps in keeping with many of the other films that he produced during the mid-to-late 1960's, and one that seems to be an extension of the artistic and psychological themes established in his more widely-acknowledged masterpiece, Persona (1966). Like that particular film, The Rite (1969) is a carefully structured drama built around a small cast of characters warring with one another in a close and claustrophobic environment that stresses ...

Beröringen/The Touch / Ingmar Bergman

I've heard a lot of things about this film -- it generally gets low reviews, is described as "unBergmanesque", and the fact that its so difficult to find led me have very low expectations for the film. I expected something between the atypical Bergman plot of "The Serpent's Egg" and the disturbing social violence of "From the Life of the Marionettes." I finally tracked down a copy, poor in quality, and expected mediocrity at best when I put it in. After having just finished watching it, I can s...

Scener ur ett äktenskap/Scenes from a Marriage / Ingmar Bergman

After "Wild Strawberries," this is perhaps my favorite Bergman movie, though be warned: it will take the wind out of you, especially if you watch the full five-hour version in a condensed period of time, as I did. Liv Ullmann and Erland Josephson create perhaps too realistic a version of marriage in this emotionally bruising film. When Marianne (Ullmann) finds out that Johan (Josephson) has been cheating on her and has decided to leave her, the safe, secure world she has built around her crumbl...

Trollflöjten/The Magic Flute / Ingmar Bergman

The Queen of the Night (Birgit Nordin) offers his daughter Pamina (Irma Urrila) to Tamino (Josef Köstlinger), but he has to bring her back from her father and priest Sarastro (Ulrik Cold). She gives a magic flute to Tamino and magic bells to the bird hunter Papageno (Håkan Hagegård), who follows Tamino and wants to find a wife. The duo travels in a journey of love and knowledge. Ingmar Bergman's adaptation of the last opera of Mozart to the cinema is a homage of the master to the opera and thea...

Ansikte mot ansikte/Face to Face / Ingmar Bergman

The Greeks were the first to understand it: the best dramatic performances are given by women because they have a way of letting out every emotion with the most compelling force. Bergman also understood this and I think his best movies are those that star women in tense dramatic situations: Persona, Cries and Whispers, Passion of Annam Through a Glass Darkly and Face to Face. The long and fruitful collaboration between Bergman and Liv Ulman is one of the greatest director-actor in movie history ...

Zena s krajolikom/Woman In A Landscape / Ivica Matic

Woman in a Landscape (Zena sa krajolikom)   (Ivica Matic, Yugoslavia , 1976)   68 m, subtitles   16 mm colour   http://www.bosnia.org.uk/outofbosnia/cinema.shtm   A self-taught naive painter attracts the attention of a local married woman. Their liaison upsets the balance of their community and puts them into conflict with their neighbours. A beautifully shot film with great feeling for painting and the surrounding landscape.   This pastoral drama celebrates the dedication and courag...

铁路沿线/ / 杜海滨

2000年春节,在陕西省宝鸡市火车站附近的垃圾台上,聚集着一群流浪汉。他们来自全国各地,年纪大致相当。白天,他们在城市里满无目的地游荡,晚上住在铁路边上。 这群人里,有大四川周富,他在城里打工,回家路上丢了钱和身份证,就在这个地方过着这样的生活;李小龙和火红昌(大家叫他火狐狸,只有九岁)都是从家里跑出来;小云南替人放峰,一天夜里,老板走了,三年的工资一分钱都没付;凤翔说自己是因为婚事和家人闹矛盾才跑了出来。

鱼眼/fish eyes / 郑威


人面桃花/beautiful men / 杜海滨

这是一部关于成都某同志酒吧一些从事反串演出演员的纪录片。 47岁的莎姐是是演出队中年龄最大的演员,通过艰苦的练习,他仍能做出批跨等高难度的舞蹈动作,但日渐臃肿的体态,迟缓的反应无法掩饰的昭示着他的衰老。25岁的青青出道较早,因为长相出众在成都同志圈中颇有名气。不久前,他和一个特别喜欢他的女孩袁静结婚生子。22岁的西西来到酒吧之前也是一家酒店的服务生,一个偶尔的机会他开始了反串演出,西西有一个女友叫微微,她是女同志中的T,他俩曾相约将来一起结婚以安慰双方的父母。 通常酒吧的演出是在每晚10:00,一台节目大...

The Serpent's Egg/Das Schlangenei / Ingmar Bergman

One can look at Ingmar Bergman's the Serpent's Egg as being many things, but it should not be looked at through the same prism that one looks at say Through a Glass Darkly or Scenes from a Marriage. This is Bergman being 'cinematic', and for the lone moment of a career spent with low-budget film-making and theater as his passions, a big-budget, a Hollywood star, and a sprawling canvas to work on, was at his finger-tips. It's also one of his few shots at not only an 'homage' kind of movie, but al...

Höstsonaten/Autumn Sonata / Ingmar Bergman

Generally, either "Seventh Seal" or "Persona" is the film that a critic will name if s/he is stuck with the task of naming Ingmar Bergman's greatest achievement. A couple others might be named, but rarely do you hear a critic espouse the brilliance of "Autumn Sonata." The first thing I noticed about this film is that it is, like "Cries and Whispers," nothing less than a painting. The textures, the warm reds and the close-ups of the faces of wounded souls, all combine to make the viewer realize ...

采薇/ / 赵晔


The Lives of Lee Miller/ / Antony Penrose

优秀的女摄影师李米勒(Lee Miller)传奇的一生。 她曾经是Vogue的封面模特,后来拿起了照相机。她的镜头,跟随她的脚步,从巴黎咖啡馆来到二战战场。 这部由她的儿子Antony Penrose拍摄,里面包括了对她的朋友们的很多访谈。

火车轰鸣/ / 陈小松

铁路沿线…… 两个他人眼中所谓的非正常人:一个是青年,憧憬盘算着能从四川娶回来个媳妇,一起去北京的饭店打工;另一位是老军人,从“毛时代”走来,激昂述说革命抱负,视贴身口袋里的“军人退役证”为他的最重要家当。 话语声不时地被强悍的火车轰鸣声所冲断。

Aus dem Leben der Marionetten/From the Life of the Marionettes / Ingmar Bergman

Ingmar Bergman's From the Life of the Marionettes, his last film done while in exile during the late 70's, hearkens back to his experimental period in the mid to late 60's. Here he's trying for a deconstructive way to get inside the mind of his subjects, most notably the character of Peter Egermann. The fatal flaw of the film, however, is also something that adds an unusual kind of connection to the material for a Bergman film. It's erratic in its narrative as the director tests himself with jum...

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