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Love/ / Aleksandr Lamakin

这是关于一个年轻士兵的故事。因为要参军,他与父母告别,离去It’s a story about a young soldier. He must go to army. He says good-bye to his parents and leave.

For Your Blossom/ / Gaku Kinoshita

一位男孩找到了他自己的轨迹。A boy finds his own path..

Five O'clock Shadow/ / Malcolm Lamont

本片讲述一个秃顶的男人如何追求他的邻居——一个长着胡子的女爵士歌手。The Story of a bald man’s attempt to seduce his neighbor-the Jazz singing bearded lady.

平衡末日/Equilibrium / 张翔峰

的结束只是类的开始,我们构想的社会最初是有人族和类族共同存在的。类族一直对人族统治这么长的时间感到厌恶与仇恨,想推翻人族的统治。由此,战争一直延续到现在。那么,在我们身边的故事是怎么样一种情形呢…… The end of human kind is the beginning of the species. We compose that at the first of our society; the human kind and the specie race are sharing the time and place together. The species race is for a long time hate human kind’s control, and wants to overthrow men’s control. Therefore, the battle ...

夜/The Night / 张丽影

主要展现刚刚失恋的潇潇,在室友玲玲正处于热恋的环境中的心理情绪变化。试图体现男女之间情与欲的错位。 This is about Xiaoxiao who is just lovelorn. Her psychological changes when her roommates is in love. It tries to materialize the disturbance of the love and sex between man and woman.

死在别处/France / 陈志恒

位在巴黎居住近二十年的中国诗人,王,因患癌症晚期失去记忆,一位女医生每天通过电话留言念一首曾经写过的诗。在念完《亚洲铜》后,他游离于幻想、梦境、回忆和现实之间,最后,他死在想象中的中国。 Wang, a Chinese polemist who has lived in Paris for nearly twenty years, reached the cancer later period and loses his memory . A woman doctor read a poem written by him everyday by ways of telephone message. After the poem , he wandered between the dream and reality. Finally, he died in the imaginary China.  

找呀/Search / 樊宁

刘贝达弄丢了女朋友的笔记本电脑,王菲菲闹着要他去找,二人感情陷入危机。刘贝达求助前女友阿君,经过阿君的分析,刘贝达根据电脑的特征到处寻找,其中发生了一些误会。最终也没有找到电脑。在餐厅里,阿君如约在那里等着刘贝达,并给他最后一条建议——买一个二手笔记本电脑给菲菲。可是,二手笔记本电脑真的能挽救他们之间的感情吗? Liu Beida loses his girlfriend’s computer. His girlfriend asks him to search it. Their relation is endangered.Liu finds help for his ex-girlfriend AJun. Through the analysis of her, Liu s...

看影/Watching Shadows / 肖静

在辽宁西部的喀左山区,每到农闲季节,就会有皮影班走村串户表演影戏。小张的皮影班是其中比较出色的一支。本片就纪录下了小张的皮影班在一个村里的演出生活。本片以一个从农村走出的大学生的视角,表现了皮影戏这种传统艺术在民间的一种真实状态。同时,也含蓄地表达了一个大学生对于传统民间艺术“想说爱你并不容易”的心情。  In the Kazuo mountain areas of west LiaoNing, in every farming-free season, there will be some shadow –play groups go to different villages and give shows. XiaoZhang’s group is among the most...

微妙的和谐/Delicate Accordance / 董磊

由黏土塑像组成的动画表现帕瓦罗蒂演唱的名曲《微妙的和谐》。Animation made by statue, in the rhythm of the song in the same name.

舞者/The Dancer / 徐立

通过微观中水的跳动,引申出现代战争的残酷、悲壮,以及我们对水、对生命的渴望和对战争的恐惧。 Through the microcosmic movement of water, the film explicates the cruelty and sadness of the war, and the yearning for life and fear for War

卢米埃尔与我们/Lumier And We / 马琳琳

DV一代向电影前辈致敬之作。全片由25个1分钟短片构成,包括临摹、纪实、原创三个方面,展现当代大学生眼中的大千世间。 This is a work that the DV generation shows their respect to their ancestors. The whole film is made up of 25 1-minute short pieces, including three parts as facsimile, documentary, and the original creation. It presents the colorful of modern college life.

生活原来是这样的/TITLE OF WORK:About Life / 於水

一个人给了一个乞丐一个硬币,由此引发出三条故事线索,一些人相遇了,一些事情发生了。 A man gave a beggar one coin. Some people came into together, then the story began.

地狱开瓶手/The Hell Bottle Opener / 丁小洋

在酒吧昏暗的灯光下,一个年轻人向他的朋友讲述了一个恐怖故事。故事结束以后,一件又一件诡异的事情发生在他们身上。那个恐怖故事竟然一步步变成血淋淋的事实。In the dim light of a bar, a young man tells his friend a horror story. At the end of the story, one strange thing after another happens to them. That story becomes bloody trueth

我等下一班车/I Will Wait for Next Train / 曾馨莹

一位研究80年代台湾社会运动的学生,在访谈之中听到的一个故事。火车一班班地经过,时间也不断地流逝。你是否听到火车进站的声音? A student, who studies the 80’s students’ Taiwan social movements, hears a story in the interview. The trains pass one by one, and the time runs out little by little. Can you hear the sound of the train entering into the station?

地震紀念冊/ / 顏蘭權

正當白米炸彈客以激烈的手段引起社會對農村議題的關切;紀錄片「無米樂」則藉由鏡頭,讓觀眾感受農民真實生活中的尊嚴、智慧與無奈。 這部獲得二○○四年台灣紀錄片雙年展首獎的作品,由顏蘭權與莊益增這對伴侶共同執導。背景是台南縣的後壁鄉,片中主要人物是四個老農民,沒有旁白、沒有多餘的文字解說,導演盡量不介入影像中,讓老農民用自己的語言、動作述說台灣農村的故事:農民的作息生活、農民的信仰、生命哲學,甚至大時代變遷在他們身上留下的真實痕跡。 九二一的「地震紀念冊」 顏蘭權與莊益增是台大哲學系的同學,畢業後...

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