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疯狂英语/Crazy English / 张元

张元:那你怎么从过去这么自卑啊、这么有问题的一个少年、一个青年,最后怎么变成今天这个感觉?你是什么时候突然一下改变的? 李阳:这个决心是一辈子都在下的,一般别人说喜欢用算命这东西,说你天生就应该成功的,你的血型是A型,肯定(能成功),只不过经历了很多坎坷。 张元:那好,我们再具体地回忆一点你少年时期的一些东西。你曾经写过打架、旷课、不及格,甚至在高三的时候曾经想退学这些东西。 李阳:整个过程能回忆起来(的是)印象比较深刻的一些(事),最主要的印象其实是自己是想做一个好学生的,自己想做一个成功的人...

过年回家/Seventeen Years / 张元

十七年前,陶兰随母亲陶爱荣来到于正高家中,与于正高和于的女儿于小琴共同生活。有一天,于正高的女儿于小琴偷拿了父亲忘在窗台上的五块钱。第二天父亲翻箱倒柜地找那五块钱。母亲怀疑是父亲偷偷把钱给了于小琴,父亲怀疑母亲偏袒她女儿陶兰(刘琳饰),两人吵得很凶,提出要搜两个女儿。于小琴很害怕,偷偷把钱放到陶兰的枕头底下,结果大家在陶兰床上搜到了钱。母亲感到很丢脸,大骂陶兰。 上学路上,陶兰为自己辩解,于小琴轻蔑地说:谁会信你。陶兰气急了,从路边抄起一个菜农的扁担,朝于小琴打过去。 陶兰气极之下失手打死了于晓琴,...

东宫西宫/Behind the Forbidden City / 张元

北京某公园是同性恋晚上幽会的场所,该公园附近的派出所民警小史(胡军)值夜班值到无聊时,会到公园里抓一两个同性恋来审一审,在他们交待自己的种种“活动”时,他会打骂一番以消闲解闷。某晚又去抓人时,欲拒还迎的阿兰(司汗)被他铐回值班室。   审问过程中,小史的言行不乏对阿兰的歧视和侮辱,但阿兰丝毫不为自己是同性恋难为情,反不动声色地讲起过往经历,并用死囚与刽子手的故事表达他对小史的爱恋,慢慢地,小史发现他的心中原来也藏有一座断背山1991年,一个以健康研究为名的搜捕行动在北京同性恋圈中展开,执行者是北京东...

儿子/ / 张元


广场/The Square / 张元


北京杂种/Beijing Bastards / 张元

用剧中人自己的话说,这部影片展现了一群“由着性子活的那种人,都是社会的异己分子。”他(她)们是摇滚乐手、画家、艺术院校的学生、混在北京的浪子。   摇滚乐手们(崔健、窦唯饰)为他们热爱的音乐而奔波,没钱买乐器,到处被赶着搬家,甚至住到建筑工地上;乐手之一的卡子四处寻找已怀孕的女友,自己沉泯于混乱的两性关系中,精神上承受着折磨;大庆的钱被骗,自己也欠了朋友的钱,到处追债和被追债。而他的朋友们也困顿窘迫,黄耶鲁被人瞧不起,酒后还让胖子(臧天朔饰)打了一顿,沮丧失落。周明没什么可靠收入和正经事做,老婆...

Solidarnosc, Solidarnosc/ / Andrzej Wajda

If you're expecting a coherent story line from more than thirteen different movies from thirteen disparate directors commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of Lech Walesa's trade union in Poland (which pretty much signaled the end of Polish Communism) in a collection of shorts, you shouldn't even consider this collection. These are mostly well-done, yet varied short pieces. The gamut is run from rap pieces to straight documentaries to retrospective, historical shorts to tongue-in-cheek exam...

Katyn/ / Andrzej Wajda

This is not an average Oscar nominated Hollywood movie. There are few movies that are able to expose abyss of human nature, the darkest one in this case. It is not the most gruesome scenes, as one who knows the historical facts may expect to see, create emotional terror. Wajda masterfully leads the viewer deeply into reflections on how horrible humanity can become. There is little hope to change the course of the past, and yet when watching the film, one may catch himself hoping for a miracle of...

Tatarak/Sweet Rush / Andrzej Wajda

一别位电幸影揩导演墟想要拍还摄旱玛塔一生的橇故喧事片,溢他寨是街一者个盟上行了牺年纪裴孤肩独嫉的痕女暂人,年抒轻帜的时摄候嫁婶给拄了一位敬描业罢的三工人棒。与笑这位年诸轻凹电影导遗演筑的笔相质处芯给了钉玛次塔眩再错次托年轻洋的澄感觉痪。  电影由两个部分组成,第一部分是根据波兰著名诗人、学者伊瓦什凯维奇编,而第二部分则由Olga Tokarczuk担当编剧。   安杰依·瓦依达用伊瓦什凯维奇的故事拍摄了两部电影,一部是《桦树林》,一部是《威克的女孩》,拍摄这部《甜蜜的冲动》是安杰依·瓦依达多年来的梦想。   克里...

Che?/What? / Roman Polanski

What a surprise, and what fun! Although I remember seeing promotional shots of this movie back in the 70s, hearing no more about it, I eventually decided it must never have been made. But, here it is in all its craziness. The beginning is rather edgy as the delectable, Sydne Rome is almost gang raped before the action swings into slapstick and she escapes, albeit with ripped t-shirt. This is as fully dressed as she ever is in this ending up fully nude and leaving the madhouse as quickly as she e...

The Magic Christian/ / Joseph McGrath

One day the fabulously wealthy Sir Guy Grand who is Peter Sellers with a much larger nose finds a young orphan kid in a park. On the spur of the moment he adopts young Ringo Starr, probably because Ringo has a well known honker in real life and Sellers sees something of himself in Ringo. The idea is that Sellers has to have someone not just to leave his money to, but someone to impart his accumulated wisdom of the years which is boiled up into one single thought; that EVERYBODY has his price. ...

Dance of the Vampires/The Fearless Vampire Killers / Roman Polanski

This was a very fun film to watch and Polanski uses a lot of camera tricks to make this a visually interesting film. I heard that this was considered "Funny and Sexy" and it is very humorous but I can't consider it that sexy. He gets Sharon Tate in a film and she takes like three bath's but nothing else happens. No hiding behind a towel or anything. This definitely should have been a much more sexy film. Former boxing champion Terry Downes plays the hunchback and the scene towards the end when h...

Repulsion/ / Roman Polanski

Disturbing, harrowing tale of one girls' (Catherine Deneuve) descent into madness. Catherine Deneuve's performance is fantastic--she plays it just right. Quite an accomplishment considering she was only 22 at the time! Roman Polanski's direction, beautiful black and white photography and effective use of sound really helps the film. Ahead of it's time. Some people have complained about being bored by this film...I'm assuming they're watching in on TV. It's true--the film doesn't play as well o...

Nóz w wodzie/ / Roman Polanski

Knife in the Water (1962), Polanski's feature debut, made when he was twenty-nine, is a tense overnight sailing trip taken by a man with his pretty younger wife and a handsome young drifter they find hitchhiking on their drive to the boat. The action is claustrophobic and fraught with menace – the two men are in conflict from the moment they first meet – and a cool jazz score gives the film an edgy contemporary air. The young man carries a long knife of the switch-blade type. Does the old rule...

Samson/ / Andrzej Wajda

We saw the 1961 film "Samson" by Andrzej Wajda on Saturday. This was a black and white movie in Polish with English subtitles. There were a few instances in which the dialog did not have subtitles. This was limited to a few lines here and there. This movie was set in Warsaw and the Warsaw ghetto during World War II. It was much like "The Pianist" by Roman Polanski (2002). The lead actor even looked like Wladyslaw Szpilman (Adrien Brody) of "The Pianist." "Samson" is the story of a Jew, Jakub Go...

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