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Puissance de la parole/ / Jean-Luc Godard



Jean-Luc Godard and Woody Allen. Just by those two names you will know if this short interview-film, which has been seen by likely less than a hundred people since it was filmed almost twenty years ago, will be worth to see (and 80's era Godard and Woody no less). Basically, you get Godard's madman sensibilities as a filmmaker, playing around with the structure of a director interview, and you get Woody Allen's insights. Ironically, I think this was made for video, or at least shot on it (maybe ...


Originally made for the French TV show «Série Noire», Grandeur et décadence d'un petit commerce de cinéma can be seen as Jean-Luc Godard's determined bid to demythologise the movie-making process to a higher plain. Ostensibly seeking to greenlight an adaptation of a James Hadley Chase novel, Jean-Pierre Léaud as a director and Jean Almereyda as a producer mull over the meaning and purpose of cinema. While eyeing beauteous new actresses with a dash of lasciviousness, the pair are also keeping tra...

SOFT AND HARD (A soft conversation between two friends on a hard subject)/ / Jean-Luc Godard

The majority of this video consists of Godard and companion, Mieville sitting on the sofa and discussing the aesthetic emptiness of television, and why their current films have been less sucessful on some levels. It is tedious and extremely pretentious. It is very withdrawn, and I'm sure hardcore Godard loyalists with attribute this to the commentary he is creating, but the video seems to wallow in its own self importance - making it almost unbearable

DETECTIVE/ / Jean-Luc Godard


JE VOUS SALUE MARIE/ / Jean-Luc Godard

戈达尔对圣经故事的重新演绎:玛丽怀胎被搬到了1980年代。玛丽是个学生,爱打篮球,闲时帮父亲照看加油站;男朋友约瑟夫是出租车司机。天使乘坐喷气式飞机驾到,告诉她将怀有耶稣。她的怀孕对他俩都带来很大的困惑。 I found a copy of this film for three bucks, I figured that was a great deal, even if it is in a different language (lucky for me there were subtitles)! When this film came out in the mid eighties it was all about controversy. Many people called the film Blasphemy, so what if it is, you don't hav...

PRENOM CARMEN/ / Jean-Luc Godard

本片主要线索依据于梅里美的《卡门》:一个抢劫团伙中的女青年卡门,与警察约瑟夫由搏斗到相恋,约瑟夫遂追随卡门及其团伙。卡门对约瑟夫慢慢冷淡,不堪忍受的约瑟夫在该团伙的一次行动中杀死了卡门。但同时,影片还有两条线索,卡门的叔叔,著名导演让(戈达尔亲自饰演)寻找拍片机会,却被卷入卡门团伙的行动;小提琴手克莱尔与朋友们演奏贝多芬的弦乐四重奏…… 透过本片,观众能清楚地感受到这位七十年代的新马克思主义者深深的英雄末路之情;用著名影评家宝琳·凯尔的话来说,导演表现出强烈的厌倦感,仿佛他宁愿听贝多芬四重奏,...

PASSION/ / Jean-Luc Godard



This short film is Godard's message to the people of Lausanne, specifically Freddy Buache, giving his reasons why he will not make a film about their town's 500th anniversary. First Godard expresses his frustration with the town. When attempting to film on the side of a highway, they were forced to stop filming by the local authorities. The officer said they could only stop for an emergency. Godard replied that it was an emergency because the light was perfect. The officer wasn't understanding,...

SAUVE QUI PEUT (LA VIE)/ / Jean-Luc Godard

这部影片围绕三个分别处在各自生命转折点的人物。群星荟萃的演员阵容,包括伊莎贝拉·于佩尔扮演的农村姑娘来到城市沦落为妓女;纳塔莉·贝依扮演一个决心放弃掉城市工作去乡下享受田园生活的职业妇女;而雅克·迪特隆则扮演一位电视节目的导演,刚和老婆离婚,处于事业低潮。   影片惊人地运用了慢镜头摄影,看上去相当优美,也正是本片使得离开商业电影拍摄有好几年的戈达尔重回影圈,受到相当热烈的反映,再次巩固了导演在拍摄创新电影的最前线地位。

SIX FOIS DEUX/sur et sous la communication / Jean-Luc Godard

The title and subtitle of this French miniseries are "Six Times Two; Over and under the media". The "six" refers to the fact that there are six episodes; the "two" has a double meaning. Each of these episodes is a collaboration between two people: Jean-Luc Godard and his long-time partner Anne-Marie Miéville, but the "two" also refers to the fact that each episode has a two-part structure. The individual episodes run 100 minutes each, split almost precisely into two 50-minute sections. Each epi...

COMMENT CA VA/ / Jean-Luc Godard

With COMMENT ÇA VA? (How Is It Going?), Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville once again explore one of their favorite topics: the infinite profusion of language and images that surround society. The fractured, abstract film follows the workers of a communist journal who decide to publicize their paper by producing an informational video and film. But when they begin to question what form the endeavor should take, the confusion introduced becomes the focal point of their presentation. This i...

NUMERO DEUX/ / Jean-Luc Godard

The first time I ever saw "Numero Deux" was the last time a movie almost had me in tears, - 'cause it's desperate. Done on video "Numero Deux" was Godard's attempt to overcome the - as he had put it himself - "End of cinema", Godard himself having blown it to pieces in "Pierrot le Fou" and "Weekend". "Numero Deux" was to be a new beginning, a new "Breathless" (which was number one), - but absolutely NOTHING seems to be working. "Numero Deux" is a shipwreck of a movie. The over-all "theme" or pre...

TOUT VA BIEN/祝福 / Jean-Luc Godard

Jean-Luc Godard dissects the structure of society, movies, love and revolution. He asks compelling questions: Can love survive a relationship? Can ideology survive revolution? He also looks at the French student riots of the 1960s with a critical eye, and ends up satirizing contemporary views of history. A battery of thoughts complete with criticism of modern society and movies. Written by Mikael Halila {mikael.halila@pp.inet.fi} "Tout va bien" is set in 1972, i.e. four years after the "events...

VLADIMIR ET ROSA/ / Jean-Luc Godard

INTRODUCTION: The version of this film that I saw was seemingly sourced from incredibly poor-quality video cassette with burnt-in subtitles. I'm not sure if this was the intention of Godard and Gorin, but regardless, I feel that certain elements of the film may have been lost as a result of the poor image quality. The entire film seems to be submerged in a dull, red tint (almost rust-like in appearance) with many of the scenes under-exposed to the point of almost total darkness. Likewise, the fi...

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