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ほしをつぐもの/沸点 / 北野武

突然倒れた定年間近の男が思いおこす少年時代を描く「その男、凶暴につき」で監督デビューしたビートたけしの初プロデュース作品で、脚本・監督は「井上あんりのザ・裏モデル」のガイラこと小水一男、撮影は「…これから物語 少年たちのブルース」の伊藤昭裕がそれぞれストーリー※ストーリーの結末まで記載されていますので、ご注意ください 昭和一ケタ生まれで今や定年間近となった吉田健児は会社帰りのホロ酔い気分で駅に向かう途中、TV番組の女性レポーターに声をかけられた。彼女のインタビューに快く応じた健児は仕事場に案内し...

その男、凶暴につき/ / 北野武

ヤクザに雇われた殺し屋と、それを執拗に追う刑事との争いを描く。脚本は「STAY GOLD ステイ・ゴールド」の野沢尚が執筆。監督はビートたけしこと北野武、撮影は「この胸のときめきを」の佐々木原保志がそれぞれ担当。挿入歌は、トレイシー(「ガール・ユー・ニード」)。奥山和由による映画の企画段階では、監督:深作欣二・主演:ビートたけしの予定だった。脚本家に野沢尚が起用され、「『第三の男』のハードボイルド版」をコンセプトに第1稿が完成する。この時のタイトルは『灼熱』だった。 しかし、深作によると、奥山が...

黄羊川/ / 劉嵩

由台湾金钟奖最佳导演刘嵩耗时五年拍摄的纪录片《黄羊川》,深入甘肃省穷乡僻壤,拍出令人摒息的黄土地之美。刘嵩让这部片子完全无字幕、无旁白、无故事主角,仅靠着黄羊川当地的盲人走唱乐师陈开友的音乐贯穿全片,串联十多个平常生活的小片段。 据《中国时报》三日报道,刘嵩在拍摄已故企业家、前英业达总裁温世仁纪录片《科技游侠-温世仁》时,造访这个温世仁投入赞助的地方。他深感于当地仍维持几百年前的生活方式,居民以农业为主,因低度开发而未受现代文明污染,居民的态度与当地的自然融合成十分特殊的景观。因此提出拍摄纪录片...

Tajrobeh/ / Abbas Kiarostami

一个叫穆罕默德的14岁小男孩在一家照相器材店里做勤杂工,晚上可以睡在店里。他对一个住在富人区的小姑娘产生了朦胧的爱意。一天早上,他得到机会到这个女孩家里维修照相机,但是最终他意识到自己对女孩的爱是无望的。 伊朗电影短片,35毫米,彩色,35分钟。导演:阿巴斯。基亚罗斯塔米。编剧:阿巴斯。基亚罗斯塔米、帕尔维兹。德沃伊。摄影:胡马云。帕瓦尔。录音:昌吉兹。萨伊德。剪辑:M.阿夫沙尔。助理导演:艾哈迈德。米尔切卡里。主演:马苏德。森德贝格鲁,迈赫迪。奈吉伊,R.哈希米,巴巴克。卡齐米。

Rah-e hal/ / Abbas Kiarostami


Rah Hal-e Yek/ / Abbas Kiarostami

All that happens in the 11 minutes of this film is that a man, unable to hitch a ride back to his broken-down car with a new tire, pushes it back to his car while running. However, style quickly supercedes content; the man runs to stirring, mock-Western music alongside stunning scenery, giving Kiarostami the chance to show off various shots that must have been hell to pull off. Good fun一个年轻男子的汽车轮胎坏了,为了去车行修理,他将车轮卸下来,像推铁环那样把车轮滚到修车行。路上,他穿过了大雪覆...

Behdasht-e Dandan/ / Abbas Kiarostami

This is one of a few Kiarostami instructional films with a subversive sense of humor; it is, however, too little to really qualify as a goofy short classic like, say, "Colours." It starts off promisingly, with the narrator making an ominous statement: "Mohammed is a good boy. He does all of his homework. He does everything his parents ask. But there is one thing Mohammed does not do well: HE IS LAZY ABOUT BRUSHING HIS TEETH!" It is a neat reminder that mental hygiene was not unique to the U.S. H...

Be Tartib ya Bedoun-e Tartib/有序或无序 / Abbas Kiarostami

A school scene. Class has ended. Students walk down the stairs in an orderly fashion. Good. Now rewind. Class has ended. Students walk down the stairs in a disorderly fashion. Bad. The students make their way to a central court for their classroom break. A single water dispenser is at the center. Some students gather to drink. In orderly fashion it takes them a minute and ten seconds to satisfy their thirst. Rewind. In disorderly fashion it takes them three minutes and the dispenser is trashed ...

Hamsarayan/ / Abbas Kiarostami

One of my favorites by Kiarostami. A deaf grandfather alone in the house, turns off his hearing aid to get away from noise. The day goes by and he has not turned on his hearing aid, so doesn't hear his granddaughter at the door below. A crowd assembles (the chorus of the title) to join in yelling up to the grandfather. Sweet story. Is it a political or generational metaphor, or both? Screenplay: Abbas Kiarostami (based on a story by Mohammad Javad Kahnamoie.) Cinematographer: A.R. Zarindast ...

Hamshahri/ / Abbas Kiarostami

On July 1983, lawmakers in Teheran decided to close off a section of the capital to regular traffic. Only drivers with special permits could cross the road blocks set up at various intersections leading to the restricted zone. Well, Iran is not Germany. Respect the law? Only if you can't get away by pleading your right to an exemption to the traffic cops. Just this time, please. I won't do it tomorrow. Kiarostami set up shop at one of those intersections and filmed the interaction of one cop w...

Khane-ye doust kodjast?/ / Abbas Kiarostami

Everyone who's ever complained about Kiarostami's films being dull just might have their case in point with this early film of his. Though I've found "Close Up," "Taste of Cherry" and "The Wind Will Carry Us" fascinating, this film contained limited rewards, offering little of the philosophical subtext Kiarostami is renowned for.  小男孩放学回家后才发现,他不小心把隔壁同学的作业本带回来了。这下可好了,老师今天还特别警告过,如果再不将作业写在簿子上,就要开除这个同学!身处妈妈严密的看管、祖父苛...

Kelid/芝麻开门 / Ebrahim Forouzesh

I just saw this film from it's screening on Arts Central, Singapore's premier tv channel dedicated to arts programming, and in some ways, our version of Australia's SBS (since this is our only free-to-air reception of 'exotic' foreign fair, minus the nudity & sex of course) Iranian cinema, however 'world renowned', still remains as largely unfamiliar territory for me. I guess I have only truely seen works of Majid Majidi, courtesy of their widespread popularity and availability. Shamefully, th...

Mashgh-e Shab/ / Abbas Kiarostami

In 'Homework' Kiarostami, interviews children on their personal opinions to homework. It is a great documentary, funny, sweet, and so easy to watch. Kiarostami literally films the children and interviews them and that's it, but by doing this he captures the children in such a great way that you wonder that Truffaut, is not directing the kids from off camera! The children brim with the kind of charisma that we'd forgot children could do in a film let alone in real life, and seems to seek to remin...

Nema-ye Nazdik/ / Abbas Kiarostami

Truly the best, freshest, most truly independent cinema is coming from Iran - or at least was in the nineties. Time will tell. My favourite is "Salaam Cinema", a film I would love to see again. This film, from Iran's Goddard (I spose you'd call him) Abbas Kiarostami is in the docu-drama tradition. It uses the real people who took part in the real events portrayed in the movie, it uses a documentary style, but it is a film - not a documentary. I feel you could add, but is it not a documentary? Be...

Zendegi va digar hich/زندگی و دیگر هیچ / Abbas Kiarostami

This is the transition from Kiarostami's films about children into his more adult, philosophically ponderous phase (and his bridging of the gap between characters searching on foot, as in the first of the trilogy, "Where is the Friend's Home," and within cars). As with all of Kiarostami's films, it's just beautiful to look at, not so much the way he films it (although this film continues his favorite shot of action taking place extremely far away), but what is filmed. For this reason I almost fe...

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