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Tokyo-Ga/ / Wim Wenders

Wim Wenders attempts to turn his first trip to Japan into a homage to Ozu and an exploration of Japanese modernity, contrasted with the images of a bygone era glimpsed in Tokyo Monogatari. This is a deeply personal film, an unabashed pilgrimage by Wenders in search of his muse. His rambling narration, impenetrable at times, offers little insight on Japan. What first-time visitor can encapsulate a city as complex as Tokyo? The film works better on the subject of Ozu, the interviews with actor Ch...

Der Himmel über Berlin/对号入座 / Wim Wenders

A calm and wonderful fantasy with such a simple vision that makes you want to believe in angels. Perhaps they are there... whenever my mood changes, seemingly unprompted, I always wonder. Hijacked and debased by people who don't know any better (even U2, I'm afraid, and the American remake must be avoided at all costs - ideally it should be wiped from the record and the memories of all who saw it) this film has become iconic and has infected the imaginations of countless filmmakers. Look carefu...

小子不坏/Kids and kids / 张峰

年仅14岁的乐乐、北北、天天以及他们的小伙伴通过地下枪市购买了仿真枪械,他们经常去山上组织野战,并组建了“狙击手联盟”。枪法精准的乐乐打下了一支风筝,成为“狙击手联盟”成员的榜样。乖乖女与北北通过网络认识,并一直想加入“狙击手联盟”。 乐乐的父母经常吵架,乐乐早上醒来,听见父母又因离婚的事大吵,他躲在被窝里伴着父母的吵架声看完了一张色情DVD后外出游荡,路上一条女性红色T裤闪亮眼前,好奇心促使他把内裤“拿”回家,结果被父亲发现,经常被父亲痛打的乐乐又一次遭到了父亲的“教育”,乐乐在妈妈的袒护下,说出了...

像鸡毛一样飞/Chicken Poet / 孟京辉

首都机场附近的某个小镇上,曾经的诗人陈小阳(廖凡)化身黑鸡养殖场场长,一心做着自己场出产的营养黑鸡蛋全部占领北京市场的梦。某日,小镇迎来陈小阳的昔日好友、失败诗人欧阳云飞(陈建斌)。在欧阳云飞眼里,宁静的小镇神秘怪诞,正与他的心境相契合。   孤独、有许多怪癖、患有色盲症的小镇姑娘方芳(秦海潞)爱上了欧阳云飞,并期望对方能带她离开对她来说只有黑白二色的小镇,但欧阳云飞想的只是如何成名。在一张偶然买到具有神奇魔力的盗版光盘的帮助下,欧阳云飞梦想成真,可是怪事也接踵而来。

Aufzeichnungen zu Kleidern und Städten/A Notebook on Clothes and Cities / Wim Wenders

I can't say much about the movie. It is principally interesting because it shows the similarity of the creativity of two artists (a fashion designer and a film director) with the emphasis on the first one. It is in fact a creative documentary about the two of them. There was also an attempt to define fashion and identity in our modern world. It is a typical Wim Wenders movie. The photography is marked by his style. This movie or documentary becomes sometimes boring. The emphasis on the differenc...

Bis ans Ende der Welt/Until the End of the World / Wim Wenders

Until the End of the World" is a movie that has never gotten the recognition that it deserves. Occurring in 1999, when the Indian nuclear satellite has gone out of control (and no one knows where it's going to land), the movie focuses on Frenchwoman Claire Tourneur (Solveig Dommartin) following American Sam Farber (William Hurt) all over the world. Sam has a most ingenious device that enables his blind mother (Jeanne Moreau) to see, and some other people are trying to get their hands on it. I s...

In weiter Ferne, so nah!/Faraway, So Close! / Wim Wenders

I can say this movie is one of the best movies I have ever watched (and I watched a lot of them). The roles were very well interpreted by good actors. Even when they are no actors at all, as Mikhail Gorbachyov who appears in a scene. Many things make this movie special. In it five languages are being spoken. Nevertheless it doesn't really matter. The protagonists can understand what is being said as though language difference is not that relevant for humans to understand each other. The pictures...

Lisbon Story/Viagem a Lisboa / Wim Wenders

I watched this movie a few days ago with the strong impression of having seen it before. Anyway my first impression as it started was great because I felt as lost as the personality on the screen and I am sure that was Wender's intention. We are first and foremost lost in translation as we are lost as tourists on the road to Lisbon. We are children once again. This film is marvelous. Definitely my favorite Wenders movie to date. It captures almost all the things which never cease to fascinate me...

Al di là delle nuvole/aka Beyond the Clouds / Michelangelo Antonioni

Although I'm a big fan of his work, and specially his revolutionary masterpieces, I would say this film did not live up to my expectations regarding Antonioni's abilities. In one word, I found myself utterly bored. I could not bring myself to share any emotions with the characters (no matter how hard I tried) and finally gave up on watching it. Malkovich was poorly casted and instead of bringing warmth and real human emotions to the character, made it a drag and sometimes impossible to follow. T...

Die Gebrüder Skladanowsky/A Trick of Light / Wim Wenders

This biopic of the Skladanowsky brothers, who were some of the first to invent cinema, began as a project for Wim Wenders' students and evolved into a feature-length film released during the centennial of the cinema's invention. Also for 1995, Wenders was one of the filmmakers who paid homage to the Lumière brothers by making their own 50 or so seconds long films for 'Lumière et compagnie.' The Skladanowsky brothers' Bioskop film projector premièred on 1 November 1895--nearly two months before t...

Lumière et compagnie/ / Spike Lee

was drawn in some segments,but unfortunately,i just see half. Let a director do sth. good just in 50 seconds seems too unimaginalbe,but of course they are master,so they can make those 50 seconds produce nice cinema. 奥古斯都与路易斯·卢米埃兄弟,是现代电影之父,本片就是为了纪念他们而拍摄的,每位受到邀请的导演,都要回答三个问题:为什么你愿意参与拍摄这部影片;为什么你要拍摄电影;电影是否会消亡?每个导演还要用当初卢米埃兄弟制造的世界上最古老的摄影机拍摄一段52秒钟的短片,而且有三个规则:52秒;不能...

烏蘭巴托的夜/UlaanBaatar Night / 杨睿

The End of Violence/暴力启示录 / Wim Wenders

I expected much of this movie, since I think Gabriel Byrne and Andie MacDowell are fine actors. But what a disappointment! It did not really bother me that it was a very slow movie (although I almost fell asleep sometimes), but for me, the story was a big question mark. I have seen complicated movies before, but I always understood them (Usual Suspects, Memento, Mission Impossible, ...). I would not recommend this movie to anybody, it is boring and it makes no sense! 本片恰如其名,极具暴力和恐...

宝宝/ / 韩涛

 宝宝是一个暂居济南的外来流动人口,他勤勤勉勉的打拼,由一家小餐厅老板到茶社经理再到酒吧的大堂经理。本片记录了以宝宝为主线、济南同志圈的生存状态:琐碎、凌乱、乏味,自娱自乐。镜头冷静捕捉了他们两年多来日常生活中的点点滴滴,而随着时间的流逝,宝宝所呈现出的变化暴露的一览无余,更加平实。影片冷静的阐释“同志”与“社会”的关系是互融而绝非猎奇,穿插于片中的各种小细节也隐喻折射了中国当今社会…… 导演阐述: 我看了好多关于同性恋题材的电影,大部分电影是在讲同性恋的感情生活,而我特别想了解现实生活中的同性...

Willie Nelson at the Teatro/ / Wim Wenders

那个音乐家的传记片Willie Nelson,如果你曾经听过Always On My Mind,就该知道他是何许人物了。再看看Roy Orbison,Paul Simon、Bob Dylan等等与其合作过的音乐人,就该知道他是多么响当当的一位大师了。踏入新世纪,Willie Nelson更荣获第七十二届格兰美终生成就奖提名。   他是一个不羁的、执着的老牛仔,弹得一手绝妙的吉它,朋友们都亲切地叫他Willie。他蓄着花白的落腮胡子,扎着两束整齐的马尾辫,穿戴着最时髦的街头服饰,吸食大麻,一副玩世不恭的模样。   Willie在音乐上获得了巨大的成功,但是他从不因循守旧。他吸收各种...

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