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Photos from Buena Vista Social Club/乐满哈瓦那 / Wim Wenders

I just got to see this on video last night. It's a lovely film, and the protagonists are memorable. My one problem, however, is with Ry Cooder. Don't misunderstand my admiration for Cooder's past work. He's an original, often evocative guitarist and composer. I just felt that his additions to these recordings -- both in the studio and in their concert versions -- were intrusive at the least. That wailing slide guitar just about ruined some great songs. I'm surprised the gentlemen and ladies of t...

The Million Dollar Hotel/百万美元大酒店 / Wim Wenders

I've been impressed and moved as I haven't been for years. One of the best Wenders' films. Famous for road movies Wenders bewitches with flow movement and sound. The sound struck me most this time. All voices are very characteristic and exquisitely orchestrated. Besides they are imperceptibly interwoven into U2 music. Speaking of U2, their music is I believe of the same nature as Wim Wenders cinematography art - smooth flow and yet very disturbing and full of latent force. So this combination is...

Viel passiert - Der BAP-Film/ / Wim Wenders

Wim Wenders has succeeded once again in making a film about a relatively obscure subject (this time the rock band BAP from Cologne in Wenders' native Germany) which is artistic, interesting and enlightening. The film is inspired by the group's album 'Tonfilm' (talking movie) which in turn was inspired by Edward Hopper's painting 'New York Movie'. Since band leader Wolfgang Niedecken is also a painter this is a fitting starting point for a fascinating and beautifully filmed journey through the ba...

Ten Minutes Older/ / Spike Lee

dream come true for art-house film buffs, and anyone whose out looking for an interesting way to spend 90 minutes. This is perhaps one of the most amazing collection of short films. The secret lies in the vast variety of genre and style of the films. From pure eye-candy to dramatic documentaries. In a collection like this, there is no such thing as "out of place". I found all the films enjoyable and interesting. For me, the weakest segment was the Wim Wenders film. It felt like an episode of a m...

U2: The Best of 1990-2000/ / Wim Wenders

Truly this is one of the best collections of music videos (next to Radiohead: 7 Television Commercials). They introduce us to something we've never seen before that makes them unique from each other and other music videos. Very few of the 26 total videos I don't like that much, mainly because they are just boring performances and I've been spoiled by the greatness of the others. But don't let these stop you, there are plenty more that are amazing. My favorites are "If God Will Send His Angels," ...

The Soul of a Man/ / Wim Wenders

This film is deeply disappointing. Not only that Wenders only displays a very limited musical spectrum of Blues, it is his subjective and personal interest in parts of the music he brings on film that make watching and listening absolutely boring. The only highlight of the movie is the interview of a Swedish couple who were befriended with J.B. Lenoir and show their private video footage as well as tell stories. Wenders's introduction of the filmic topic starts off quite interestingly - alluding...

"The Blues"/ / Marc Levin

I really enjoyed this series overall, but on the "Red, White & Blues" piece, I was absolutely dismayed and disgusted to see Tom Jones (and hear him sing) portrayed as ANYONE who had ANYTHING to do with the blues movement. Why no George Harrison (this being the British related blues) and why so little of Keith Richards (among many other British blues artists omitted)? There was plenty of Clapton, Beck, Mayall and a few others that were and are truly blues-oriented guys. Mr. Figgis ruined this one...

Land of Plenty/Untitled Wim Wenders Project / Wim Wenders

This is for me the most coherent of the Wim Wenders films I've seen and it's to-date the best attempt to depict post-9/11 America on film. The not-so-subtle symbolism, the superb acting (especially by Michelle Williams), and moving story line, which concerns an attempt to give a homeless Pakistani man a decent burial after he is gunned down in a drive-by shooting, come together to paint a portrait of an America left stunned and somewhat confused. I was moved by the one scene in which John Diehl...

Don't Come Knocking/ / Wim Wenders

119 minutes – that's a relatively long runtime for a movie. But that doesn't have to mean it'll be boring. The sparse dialog in this movie isn't really what it's all about anyway. It's all about the emotions and the amazing pictures. Sam Shepard portrays his role so wonderfully that you can sense his frustration with his life and his search for some meaning and his longing to change his ways. Eva Marie Saint is equally adept at her portrayal of the old western actor's mom. Jessica Lange, th...

Invisibles/ / Wim Wenders

Five directors, Isabel Coixet, Fernando Leon de Aranoa, Wim Wenders, Mariano Barroso and Javier Corcuera in a movie produced by actor Javier Bardem. This movie presents five forgotten stories all of which are currently happening, in fact to be more precise these are not really forgotten but as the title emphasizes they are "invisible". All are quite well treated and really well done, the first one by Coixet builds on the life of a bolivian girl working in Barcelona who sends money back home to ...

借我一生/SETTLED / 单佐龙

  郑晋康,83岁,未婚无子女。影片用摄像机记录了他对前半生跌宕起伏的口述和如今安老院孤独生活的状态。   出生百万富豪家族,当年上海滩上的小K,从小出入跑马厅、舞厅等上流社会场所,人生前20年生活在纨绔子弟的富足之中;1950年开始人生命运急转直下,接连的政治运动和莫须有的罪名,把他打成了反革命并两次入狱几十年;晚年的他偏安小镇双林,独居安老院,因脾气乖戾不愿与他人同住,执意独居太平间。安老院孤独生活的间隙,老人坐在床头滔滔讲述故去的声色犬马和落难后的牢狱之艰。   片尾,面对镜头,老人慷慨地讲出他已将...

火车/ / 刘伽茵

妈妈班里的周可心上课时总爱摆弄一块手表,她一气之下把表扔出窗外,被楼下的工友捡走。我用两盒烟换回手表,还给了周可心。 手表是奶奶死时留下的。周可心带我去铁道旁,那是他和奶奶原来住的地方。火车来时,周可心兴奋起来,从栅栏的缺口钻了进去。我总觉得他钻进铁道很危险,就找人用铁丝把缺口封上了。周可心又来铁道玩,因为缺口被封,只好翻栅栏,结果栅栏上尖锐的突起把他戳穿了。

牛皮/ / 刘伽茵


房东蒋先生/Last House Standing / 梁子

  再过一个月,老宅就要被拆掉了.它曾经一次次地醒来,对他说再见;是他对它说再见的时候了,是永别的时候了。他,房子的主人,蒋先生,不住地说:他恨透了这幢拴住他一生的房子。   来自北京的女记者贸然闯进了老宅,她发现这里弥漫着她不能渗透的谜。她试图去解开蒋先生和老宅的秘密,却不由自主地被卷入一场奇怪的多幕剧中。她沮丧地发现自己只是个孤独的局外人。令她感到悲哀甚至绝望的是,历史已经悄悄地改变了很多东西。它使这些关于老宅的秘密越来越沉重,沉重地让蒋先生缄默而迷恋。   老宅见证了三十年代上海滩的十里洋场...

Passion, En/The Passion of Anna / Ingmar Bergman

The Passion of Anna (or The Passion, as it might've been more appropriately titled in Sweden), is Ingmar Bergman with a cast of some of his most recognizable faces- Max Von Sydow (Seventh Seal), Liv Ullman (Persona), Erland Josephsson (Scenes from a Marriage), and Bibi Anderson (Cries and Whispers) - and with a script he's written that shows him not entirely sure, or rather confident, as he usually is as a filmmaker. He uses improvisation with his actors in some scenes, experiments with what's i...

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