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Kvinnodröm/ / Ingmar Bergman

In Stockholm, the fashion photographer Susanne Frank (Eva Dahlbeck) misses her married lover Henrik Lobelius (Ulf Palme) that lives in Gothenburg with his wife and children, and the naive twenty years old model Doris (Harriet Andersson) has a troubled relationship with her boy friend Palle Palt (Sven Lindberg). Susanne schedules a session of photo shoots in Gothenburg with Doris, and once there, she calls Henrik for an encounter. Meanwhile, Doris meets an elegant middle age gentleman on the stre...

En Lektion i kärlek/ / Ingmar Bergman

Though not exactly a comedy in the usual sense of the word this more rewarding than any movie full of laughs but devoid of substance. I don't think Bergman's movies can be easily classed under narrow genres, even the lightest are quite complex. This movie in spite of its light touch poses a series of problems related to marriage and its shortcomings and what happens when the flames start to die etc. I don't really communicate personally with all these issues as I am sure others do. But the atmos...

Gycklarnas afton/ / Ingmar Bergman

Sawdust and Tinsel- or The Swedish Master, or The Naked Night, take your pick on a title- is about a man who can't stand himself in his profession, but loves it so much at the same time: the low-brow sensibility of it, the wildness, the freedom to cut it loose with drink or with mad gimmicks during a show, and abandon of the rules when confronted with the law. But he also has a love whom he has his problems with, and her with him as well, leading to an infidelity drama that plays out harshly. In...

Sommaren med Monika/ / Ingmar Bergman

Monika is going for the Summer of her life. No longer a child she dreams of freedom and living the most of her own existence. She finds herself in the middle of a struggle between her tedious family life and work and the pungent idealistic thoughts that cross her mind. When she finds an ally- Harry, the love between them comes spontaneously and the escape from their misfortune seems possible. And then the summer comes to heat their naked skins as they reveal their bodies and souls to find the fr...

Kvinnors väntan/ / Ingmar Bergman

Early Bergman, and from the onset it is clear an artist is at work. The first conversation piece, with all 5 waiting women in the same room, is a long shot approaching 4 minutes, with various of the women talking. There are also already some typical Bergman postures, with one woman talking intensely and the one next to her staring vapidly past her downwards, seemingly lost in her own inner world. All that in well and good, but as soon as I heard the first monotonous monologue from the mother, he...

Sommarlek/ / Ingmar Bergman

I watched this movie and was transported, both in transports of delight, and mentally transported back to Sweden, where I had a brief but intense love-affair. The scenes with the two young lovers, meeting and playing on the lake, with the little boat, with the dog, "Squabble", picking berries, were so finely drawn on screen, they could have been transcribed from my memories... Cinema can be magic, and cinema like this can make one's life more wonder-filled

Till glädje/ / Ingmar Bergman


Sånt händer inte här/ / Ingmar Bergman

egentligen åstadkommit. Carl Björkman (DN) erinrade sig Weyler Hildebrands farser från förkrigstiden, Harry Schein (BLM) kände sig säker på att upphovsmännen försökte plagiera hollywoodska agentthrillrar, Nils Beyer (MT) menade att uppsåtet var gott -- att varna svenska folket för att låta dupera sig av totalitära regimer -- men verklighetsillusionen brast; Ny Dags recensent satte filmen i kategorin nazistisk sovjethets. Björkman ville inte ta filmen på allvar: "Med sina mystiska gangsters i St...

Tö/ / Ingmar Bergman

电影由Birgit Tengroth编写一些故事串连而成。在1946年,神情不安的芭蕾舞演员Rut陪伴他的丈夫Bertil结束了环意大利的学术访问,回到了瑞典。他们在巴塞尔(瑞士西北部城市,在莱茵河畔)的旅店房间里和火车上发生了争吵,他们把食物扔给了窗外饥饿的德国难民。无意间,他们听到了几个瑞典牧师关于婚姻的几句妙语,最终他们两人重修和好。电影插入了一段回忆,讲述了Rut以前和一个中年官员Raoul 的一段罗曼史,以及她随后发生的流产,和开始了芭蕾舞的演艺生涯。电影还插入了一段看起来毫不相关的故事,发生在寂静的斯德哥尔摩仲夏。中年寡...

Fängelse/ / Ingmar Bergman

This is an astonishing piece of work proving that Bergman had a clearly defined set of aesthetic ideas from very early in his career. The idea of the silence of god, the meaningless nature of life and consequently (and tragically) of art, the communication blocks dominating most of human relations and the epiphanic character of dreams. What distinguishes this movie most is it's very elaborated construction. For its 75 minutes the movie consists of layers upon layers of meaning that tend to make ...

Hamnstad/Hamnstad / Ingmar Bergman

Hamnstad" is one of the rare Swedish films focusing on family life.Its uniqueness is due to the fact that it has an eclectic mix of serious themes. These themes include bitter, harsh realities like abortion,broken home, correctional house etc. Bergman has deftly portrayed the dreary lives of its two lonely protagonists : Gosta and Berit. For this purpose, he has chosen a small provincial port town where nothing much happens. This film is a good record of how gloomy the life in Sweden (Europe) du...

Musik i mörker/ / Ingmar Bergman

For some reason, when I heard the term "early Bergman," I envisioned 'Music in Darkness (1948)' to be a rather primitive piece of film-making. Fortunately, I was pleasantly surprised, instead finding the film to be beautifully photographed by cinematographer Göran Strindberg, with all the refreshing themes and visuals we've come to expect from Sweden's master director. Bergman's fourth as director, the film is a fairly straightforward melodrama, dealing with a young man's attempts to accept a ne...

Skepp till India land/ / Ingmar Bergman

But it's not one of his best. The characterizations of the film's protagonists are inconsistent from scene to scene and some of them leave a viewer with many unanswered questions (like the mother's motivations.) Beyond that, the cinematography is pretty dowdy, particularly the exterior footage. Still, it has elements that Bergman fans will recognize from his more famous films, and it contains sequences of despair and anguish that can haunt a viewer days later. Birger Malmsten, who plays the lea...

Det regnar på vår kärlek/ / Ingmar Bergman

This is a romantic and exciting feel-good movie about a lovable naive couple with a questionable background, trying to start all over together and adapt themselves to the society. The young star director Ingmar Bergman here effectively portrays typically good and bad sides of the human behaviour. The main theme returns over and over again - how do people live with their past, and how do they handle the resulting conflicts and moral dilemmas? Despite the age of this movie (released in 1946) it do...

Kris/ / Ingmar Bergman

Bergman's adaptation of Leck Fischer's play behaves like a stage play that has been slightly adapted for the screen. It is essentially a chamber melodrama and it makes little use of the cinema's expanded scope. The film is watchable and the cast is competent. Almost everything about it is competent. It was Bergman's first go at directing a film. He was 27/28 years old at the time. Bergman is clearly influenced by Ibsen - I say "is", because the old master (nearly 85 years old now) is still at i...

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