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在影片中搜索: 放映组织[影碟]

Der Himmel über Berlin/对号入座 / Wim Wenders

A calm and wonderful fantasy with such a simple vision that makes you want to believe in angels. Perhaps they are there... whenever my mood changes, seemingly unprompted, I always wonder. Hijacked and debased by people who don't know any better (even U2, I'm afraid, and the American remake must be avoided at all costs - ideally it should be wiped from the record and the memories of all who saw it) this film has become iconic and has infected the imaginations of countless filmmakers. Look carefu...

Al di là delle nuvole/aka Beyond the Clouds / Michelangelo Antonioni

Although I'm a big fan of his work, and specially his revolutionary masterpieces, I would say this film did not live up to my expectations regarding Antonioni's abilities. In one word, I found myself utterly bored. I could not bring myself to share any emotions with the characters (no matter how hard I tried) and finally gave up on watching it. Malkovich was poorly casted and instead of bringing warmth and real human emotions to the character, made it a drag and sometimes impossible to follow. T...

Ten Minutes Older/ / Spike Lee

dream come true for art-house film buffs, and anyone whose out looking for an interesting way to spend 90 minutes. This is perhaps one of the most amazing collection of short films. The secret lies in the vast variety of genre and style of the films. From pure eye-candy to dramatic documentaries. In a collection like this, there is no such thing as "out of place". I found all the films enjoyable and interesting. For me, the weakest segment was the Wim Wenders film. It felt like an episode of a m...

Don't Come Knocking/ / Wim Wenders

119 minutes – that's a relatively long runtime for a movie. But that doesn't have to mean it'll be boring. The sparse dialog in this movie isn't really what it's all about anyway. It's all about the emotions and the amazing pictures. Sam Shepard portrays his role so wonderfully that you can sense his frustration with his life and his search for some meaning and his longing to change his ways. Eva Marie Saint is equally adept at her portrayal of the old western actor's mom. Jessica Lange, th...

幻の光/Maboroshi no hikari / 是枝裕和

在经历了丈夫的意外死亡后,米雅代着孩子来到一个海边渔村,同鳏 由美子(江角真纪子饰)小时候,奶奶总是离家出走,执意要从城市回乡下终老,并且有一次一去不返。再后来,由美子结婚生子,过着清贫但是幸福美满的小生活,有一天丈夫郁夫(浅野忠信饰)却意外离去。   由美子守寡几年后,带着年幼的儿子远嫁给民雄(内藤刚志饰),那是一处遥远的小村庄,依山傍海。从此过着平稳幸福的简单生活,日复一日。但是在她的心中,一直有个挥不去的疑问埋藏着,她不明白郁夫为什么会自杀。一连串的意外事件让由美子离家出走,来到海边的她苦...

Ностальгия/Nostaghia / Andrei Tarkovsky

I didn't want to comment on this at first but given the fact that most of the positive reviews are Tarkovsky fanatics and the negative reviews are not so interested in Tarkovsky as a director to give him a fair account I took the burden to comment halfway. First of all the movie has some of the most beautiful images caught on film that I have ever seen, and I am not talking about how beautiful Italy is but about how Tarkovsky the director uses that beauty. Unfortunately all this beauty goes to w...

台北波西米亚/Bohemians in Taipei / 鸿鸿

波西米亚原本是捷克的一个地名,波西米亚人(Bohemian)在十九世纪泛指巴黎那些像吉普赛人一般贫困却反叛的年轻艺术家与学生,后来因普契尼的同名歌剧而成为世界性的共通词汇。至今,在社会底层、在城市边缘漂泊浮荡的艺术工作者,仍然适用此一称谓。      虽然剧场的待遇微薄又朝不保夕,让他们的生活条件不可思议地俭朴与拮据,然而却不碍他们作为高度自我要求的艺术工作者──是的,他们多半自称为“剧场工作者”而非“艺术家”。他们并不觉得在作任何牺牲,甚至觉得自己比大多数人过得更快乐,然而那种默默付出、默默燃烧着的...

Trainspotting/迷幻列车 / Danny Boyle


我虽死去/ / 胡杰

卞仲耘,1916年生,女,北京师范大学附属女子中学副校长。从1966年6月初开始,她被“揭发”和“斗争”。1966年8月5日,她被该校红卫兵学生打死于校中。 一 被害     1966年8月5日,北京师范大学附属女子中学的红卫兵“斗争”“黑帮”。他们“斗争” 了学校的五个负责人:副校长卞仲耘,胡志涛,刘致平,教导主任梅树民和副教导主任汪玉冰。当时这个学校没有正校长。     在7月底,毛泽东下令把派到各学校领导文革的“工作组” 撤出学校。7月31日,这所中学的红卫兵宣布成立。工作组离开学校后,控制学校的是红卫兵组织以及工作...

Sjunde inseglet, Det/Det Sjunde inseglet / Ingmar Bergman

This classic is filled with a lot of memorable images - from the opening scenes on the seashore to the effective concluding shots, creative thoughts are combined with some fine camera work. There are several significant or interesting questions raised by the characters - from the imagery of the "Seventh Seal" in Revelation, to their simple but important concerns about eternity - but it is the way that the visuals play off of the ideas that make the movie so worthwhile. The recreation of the med...

Satansbraten/Satan's Brew / Rainer Werner Fassbinder

It seemed as though the film crew was inebriated during the entire filming. When a drunk sobers up he finds that what seemed like masterful writing is actually junk! I kept hoping it would improve but it stayed at an unfortunate one rating. So this is a warning that this film is terrible and without any saving grace. I admire Fassbinder as a director and he has made some fine films but for some reason he lost it on this one. It is supposed to be a comedy but I found no humor in it, black or ot...

我的父亲母亲和我的兄弟姐妹(2001-2008)/ / 胡新宇

我的父亲和母亲都已退休在家。寒暑假,大姐经常把她的孩子寄放在这里。父亲经常给他辅导他上学的课程。二姐没事儿就过来做些家务,照顾一下他们。锅碗瓢盆难免磕碰吵架,都是常事。平时我爹妈的高兴和烦心,基本都是这下两代的工作学习和身体健康方面。还有,是我的婚姻。哥哥海归,从美国回来,想在国内继续研究他的超导。三姐两次过年回家,她的美国的价值观是一直家里津津乐道的话题。但现实做法却改变不了60多平米的家和家里人的性格和脾气。 大姐家的孩子上大学了;二姐家的孩子也要上大学了;哥哥回美国又回国了;三姐年休回家吵了...

Chung Kuo - Cina/ / Michelangelo Antonioni


The Last Days/ / James Moll


TOUT VA BIEN/祝福 / Jean-Luc Godard

Jean-Luc Godard dissects the structure of society, movies, love and revolution. He asks compelling questions: Can love survive a relationship? Can ideology survive revolution? He also looks at the French student riots of the 1960s with a critical eye, and ends up satirizing contemporary views of history. A battery of thoughts complete with criticism of modern society and movies. Written by Mikael Halila {mikael.halila@pp.inet.fi} "Tout va bien" is set in 1972, i.e. four years after the "events...

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