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在新闻中搜索: 麦海珊

香港独立电影在北京---艺术家麦海珊访谈 2008-12-26

不得不说《[[唱盤上的單行道]]》的导演麦海珊是一个值得尊重的艺术家,在接受采访的时候她这样回复了我的信。 hi meng, here are the answers for your questions. thanks. and pls don't call me 導演 i am an artist, not a director. thanks. happy christmas and wish you folks the most success in the screenings. anson 记. 您覺得在內地和香港,拍攝獨立電影最大的區別的什麼? 麦.i basically do experimental documentary (moving images in general, not "film"), which is not majority of independent film (story an...

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