老妈蹄花/ / 艾未未
艾未未前往成都给谭作人案作证,到达成都后,在半夜被民警殴打,助手被抓,艾未未一行为把助手弄出来,和警察交涉的过程。China’s Unnatural Disaster: The Tears of Sichuan Province/ / Jon Alpert
Synopsis: On May 12, 2008, a catastrophic earthquake hit Sichuan Province in rural China, killing nearly 70,000 people, including 10,000 children. In town after town, poorly constructed school buildings crumbled, wiping out classrooms filled with students, most of them their parents’ only child. But when grieving mothers and fathers sought explanations and justice, they found their path blocked by incompetence, corruption and empty promises. An astonishingly up-close and candid look at the ...颐和园/Summer Palace / 娄烨
这部电影描述了20年中,男女主人公的感情纠纷,以及和身边人错综复杂的感情纠葛,六四事件、柏林墙的倒塌及前苏联、东欧的民主化运动。导演在新闻稿中说,「该片的一个挑战是,高潮是在中段而不是结尾,但故事又没法在那结束。」 影片以「六四」事件为背景。娄烨在除了六四之外,该片还涉及柏林墙的倒塌及前苏联、东欧的民主化浪潮。 1987年,中國。來自東北的少女余紅獲得北京「北清大學」取錄,毅然離開家鄉的小情人,開始獨立自主的大學生活。余紅一貫我行我素,不愛受約束的性格,令她成為同學間最熱門的話題人物。她透過友人李緹認...« 上一页 1 下一页 »