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China’s Unnatural Disaster: The Tears of Sichuan Province/ / Jon Alpert

Synopsis: On May 12, 2008, a catastrophic earthquake hit Sichuan Province in rural China, killing nearly 70,000 people, including 10,000 children. In town after town, poorly constructed school buildings crumbled, wiping out classrooms filled with students, most of them their parents’ only child. But when grieving mothers and fathers sought explanations and justice, they found their path blocked by incompetence, corruption and empty promises. An astonishingly up-close and candid look at the ...

寻找林昭的灵魂/ / 胡杰

1957年中国反右运动中,北京大学中文系女生林昭洞察到当时的各种社会问题,勇敢地发表意见,其后遭到迫害,身陷囹圄,最后在 1968 年被处决。作为在中国当代社会追求公民权利的先驱者,林昭怀着悲悯的大爱把自己献上了祭坛。在今天政治开明、人权重塑的年代,林昭为我们昭示了人的价值和理想。 拍摄于1999-2005

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