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China’s Unnatural Disaster: The Tears of Sichuan Province/ / Jon Alpert

Synopsis: On May 12, 2008, a catastrophic earthquake hit Sichuan Province in rural China, killing nearly 70,000 people, including 10,000 children. In town after town, poorly constructed school buildings crumbled, wiping out classrooms filled with students, most of them their parents’ only child. But when grieving mothers and fathers sought explanations and justice, they found their path blocked by incompetence, corruption and empty promises. An astonishingly up-close and candid look at the ...

The Cove/恐怖湾/港湾/海豚屠场 / Louie Psihoyos

本片摄制组勇敢而艰难的拍摄了本片,因为在拍摄地,日本的某个海湾城镇,这里的人不准任何的拍摄行为。而在这个海湾,对于海豚的捕杀一直在进行着,在本片你将看到海洋环境正遭受怎样的破坏,并且对于整个地球产生怎样恶劣的影响。 影片所记录的真相是令人震惊的,全片充满了探索,间谍式的氛围。。。。。。 Flipper was one of the most beloved television characters of all time. But ironically, the fascination with dolphins that he caused created a tragic epidemic that has threatened their existence and become a multi...

伞/umbrella / 杜海滨

广东中山。众多来自农村的年轻工人们在赶制下一年的订单。他们日夜加班,像机器一样重复着单调的动作一一手中的活计必须以最快的速度完成,因为最大可能地提高单位时间里的工作效率即意味着他们在月底能拿到最多可能的薪水;而事实上,即便这“最多”也仍旧少得可怜。无数把各种颜色样式的雨伞在他们手中成型、诞生,而每一把伞能为其他人赚多少钱,却是他们不知道的。   浙江义乌。得天独厚的地理条件使得这里有机会成为了“世界工厂”与“世界市场”接靠的最前沿。为了经济开发,农民们的土地被征用了,一些幸运者得到了可观的赔偿。...

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