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Ностальгия/Nostaghia / Andrei Tarkovsky

I didn't want to comment on this at first but given the fact that most of the positive reviews are Tarkovsky fanatics and the negative reviews are not so interested in Tarkovsky as a director to give him a fair account I took the burden to comment halfway. First of all the movie has some of the most beautiful images caught on film that I have ever seen, and I am not talking about how beautiful Italy is but about how Tarkovsky the director uses that beauty. Unfortunately all this beauty goes to w...

Каток и скрипка/Katok i skripka / Andrei Tarkovsky

Andrei Tarkovsky's school graduation project, the short film Katok i Skripka or Steamroller and the Violin (1960), by the words of Russian critic Maya Turovskaya, the first rate film, is promise of the things that would come so powerfully in his later films. The most important part of the little film was the joy of showing the beauty and poetry of the ordinary familiar things. The whole world of the film is saturated in colors, filled by myriads of playful solar spots, mirror reflections (yes, m...

Abrazos rotos, Los/Broken Embraces / Pedro Almodóvar


LE MEPRIS/轻蔑 / Jean-Luc Godard

Hovedpersonene i Le Mépris er menneska rundt filminnspillinga av Odysséen. Først og fremst manusforfatteren Paul, som påstår at han har tatt på seg oppdraget for konas skyld. Hans hustru Camille bruker nemlig ganske mye penger på å kjede seg. Produsenten Jerry Prokosch fra Amerika er fullt beskjeftiget med å skjelle ut medarbeidere og å overtale Camille med på diverse upassende utflukter. Regissør Fritz Lang (spilt av Fritz Lang!) er kunstneren. Forakta (le mépris) som filmen har fått navn ett...

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