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第36個故事/ / 蕭雅全

桂綸鎂飾演一位喜歡咖啡與甜點而想自己開咖啡店的女孩「朵兒」,近來因演出機車廣告而走紅的林辰唏則飾演妹妹「薔兒」,這對姊妹一起經營的「朵兒咖啡」,因一場意外的發生,使她們開始進行起「以物易物」的活動。   咖啡店裡來來往往的客人,包括由張翰飾演的「群青」,為咖啡店帶來了許多故事。主場景的咖啡店位在充滿綠意的富錦街,劇組花了將近兩個月的時間,將富錦街一間荒廢多時的公寓一樓,改裝成「朵兒咖啡」的店面,電影還沒開拍,就已經吸引附近居民爭相前來參觀。(圖/臺北市政府觀光傳播局提供)

Ten Minutes Older/ / Spike Lee

dream come true for art-house film buffs, and anyone whose out looking for an interesting way to spend 90 minutes. This is perhaps one of the most amazing collection of short films. The secret lies in the vast variety of genre and style of the films. From pure eye-candy to dramatic documentaries. In a collection like this, there is no such thing as "out of place". I found all the films enjoyable and interesting. For me, the weakest segment was the Wim Wenders film. It felt like an episode of a m...

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