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回家结婚/ / 张若以


Paris, Texas/Motel Chronicles/德克萨斯的巴黎 / Wim Wenders

At face value, the screen story, about a dysfunctional family, is weak. The plot is not really credible. The lead character (Travis) is an older man who in the first ten minutes of the film wonders alone in the desert like a horse with no name, seemingly suffering from severe trauma. But Travis' later behavior and the behavior of other characters in the film are not believable, given this opening gambit. However, if we discard our need to interpret behavior rationally, then the film works, eith...

Der Himmel über Berlin/对号入座 / Wim Wenders

A calm and wonderful fantasy with such a simple vision that makes you want to believe in angels. Perhaps they are there... whenever my mood changes, seemingly unprompted, I always wonder. Hijacked and debased by people who don't know any better (even U2, I'm afraid, and the American remake must be avoided at all costs - ideally it should be wiped from the record and the memories of all who saw it) this film has become iconic and has infected the imaginations of countless filmmakers. Look carefu...

Don't Come Knocking/ / Wim Wenders

119 minutes – that's a relatively long runtime for a movie. But that doesn't have to mean it'll be boring. The sparse dialog in this movie isn't really what it's all about anyway. It's all about the emotions and the amazing pictures. Sam Shepard portrays his role so wonderfully that you can sense his frustration with his life and his search for some meaning and his longing to change his ways. Eva Marie Saint is equally adept at her portrayal of the old western actor's mom. Jessica Lange, th...

十七岁的单车/Beijing Bicycle / 王小帅

故事叙述一个从外地到北京讨生活的年轻人,好不容易找了一个快递工作,但他没有单车,只好由快递公司提供,每个月扣钱;等到最後一个月扣钱全部结束,单车正式成为己有的那一天,单车被偷了。 年轻人遍寻不著,在一个偶然的机会下,他发现了单车,这辆单车被另一个年轻人从二手市场买得,快递小子决定用最原始的办法解决问题,将自己的单车偷回来;但另一个年轻人不甘心自己买的二手单车被偷走,找了大群朋友去讨回单车,最後的结局更是令观众意料不到,印象深刻。 简评: 电影的故事其实非常简单,但剧情发展引人入胜,赛前在柏林放映时...

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