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北京的风很大/ / 雎安奇


美美/Meimei / 高天

美美是一位男同性恋者,他男扮女装在北京的夜店以演唱为生.当他找到心上人后,就决定离开舞台, 去过幸福的「婚姻生活」.举办了告别演唱会后,他只身去上海,开始新生活,岂知事与愿违,婚姻很 快就触礁了,结果他又一个人回到了北京,一切要重新开始

颐和园/Summer Palace / 娄烨

这部电影描述了20年中,男女主人公的感情纠纷,以及和身边人错综复杂的感情纠葛,六四事件、柏林墙的倒塌及前苏联、东欧的民主化运动。导演在新闻稿中说,「该片的一个挑战是,高潮是在中段而不是结尾,但故事又没法在那结束。」 影片以「六四」事件为背景。娄烨在除了六四之外,该片还涉及柏林墙的倒塌及前苏联、东欧的民主化浪潮。 1987年,中國。來自東北的少女余紅獲得北京「北清大學」取錄,毅然離開家鄉的小情人,開始獨立自主的大學生活。余紅一貫我行我素,不愛受約束的性格,令她成為同學間最熱門的話題人物。她透過友人李緹認...

監督・ばんざい!/ / 北野武

本作で13作目となるこの作品は、北野の映画に対する思い入れを込めたコメディ映画となっている。主演はビートたけしで、北野映画の常連である岸本加世子や寺島進に加え、鈴木杏や江守徹といった新しい面々も出演している。また、松本人志の初監督作品である『大日本人』と同日公開となったことでも話題を集めた。 なお、上映年に開催されたヴェネツィア国際映画祭では新たに「現役で、将来にわたって活躍が期待される映画監督」を対象とする「監督・ばんざい!賞」(Glory to the Filmmaker! award)が創設され、北野が第1回の受賞者とな...

Ta'm e guilass/ / Abbas Kiarostami

It is a work of art, one of those movies that can not be censored because of the content, thus a good point for an Iranian director. Something I like about Kiarostami's work is that the director does not try to cheat you. Even you can sense the presence of camera in some scenes and the reward is the beautiful picture, like walking in a picture gallery hand in hand with your beloved friend. And suddenly a nice picture catches your attention and you feel happy of the time you spend. If you feel lo...

Bad ma ra khahad bord/The Wind Will Carry Us / Abbas Kiarostami

It is a very interesting and compelling film that on the surface seems to be one of the most boring ever made. "Wind Will Carry Us" tells the story of Behzad, the documentary director, who travels with his crew from Tehran to the tiny remote village of Siah Dareh where they hope to document an ancient funeral ritual. While there, all they can do is wait for an old lady to die and to hope that it would happen sooner than later. The lady does not seem to hurry to meet her Creator. Nothing much hap...

Der Himmel über Berlin/对号入座 / Wim Wenders

A calm and wonderful fantasy with such a simple vision that makes you want to believe in angels. Perhaps they are there... whenever my mood changes, seemingly unprompted, I always wonder. Hijacked and debased by people who don't know any better (even U2, I'm afraid, and the American remake must be avoided at all costs - ideally it should be wiped from the record and the memories of all who saw it) this film has become iconic and has infected the imaginations of countless filmmakers. Look carefu...

像鸡毛一样飞/Chicken Poet / 孟京辉

首都机场附近的某个小镇上,曾经的诗人陈小阳(廖凡)化身黑鸡养殖场场长,一心做着自己场出产的营养黑鸡蛋全部占领北京市场的梦。某日,小镇迎来陈小阳的昔日好友、失败诗人欧阳云飞(陈建斌)。在欧阳云飞眼里,宁静的小镇神秘怪诞,正与他的心境相契合。   孤独、有许多怪癖、患有色盲症的小镇姑娘方芳(秦海潞)爱上了欧阳云飞,并期望对方能带她离开对她来说只有黑白二色的小镇,但欧阳云飞想的只是如何成名。在一张偶然买到具有神奇魔力的盗版光盘的帮助下,欧阳云飞梦想成真,可是怪事也接踵而来。

Ten Minutes Older/ / Spike Lee

dream come true for art-house film buffs, and anyone whose out looking for an interesting way to spend 90 minutes. This is perhaps one of the most amazing collection of short films. The secret lies in the vast variety of genre and style of the films. From pure eye-candy to dramatic documentaries. In a collection like this, there is no such thing as "out of place". I found all the films enjoyable and interesting. For me, the weakest segment was the Wim Wenders film. It felt like an episode of a m...

Ностальгия/Nostaghia / Andrei Tarkovsky

I didn't want to comment on this at first but given the fact that most of the positive reviews are Tarkovsky fanatics and the negative reviews are not so interested in Tarkovsky as a director to give him a fair account I took the burden to comment halfway. First of all the movie has some of the most beautiful images caught on film that I have ever seen, and I am not talking about how beautiful Italy is but about how Tarkovsky the director uses that beauty. Unfortunately all this beauty goes to w...

Hable con ella/ / Pedro Almodóvar

'Hable con ella' aka 'Talk to Her' (2002) is a powerful cinematic experience…It is not the best Almodovar and the narration is not a pristine one as more affective details could have been added. Yet the movie succeeds on so many levels. Why is that so? An original scenario and a bunch of very good actors might very well be the answer. Very baroque at time, adept of kitsch atmospheres Mr. Almodovar also has a cinematic sense of parody as well as drama. His style became famous out of Spain with m...

Mala educación, La/Bad Education / Pedro Almodóvar

Spoilers Since 'Hable con ella' ('Talk to her', for which my summary line was 'Almodovar mellowing?') which some consider Almodovar's best, his fans have been looking forward to his next one with great expectation but also some apprehension as to how could he possibly tope it, in the sheer ingenious creativity, if nothing else. Bound for Cannes release, Bad Education soon demonstrated that the apprehension is not unfounded. It is, after all, not easy to surpass the achievement of Hanle con ella...

Volver/ / Pedro Almodóvar

Volver is by far one of the best movies of Almodovar. The way he narrates the story with the camera is just perfect: gently and with character. You will see how feelings and emotions are driven smoothly by a great group of actresses (Penélope does a GREAT job along with Carmen Maura) which perfectly understand what the director wants to deliver and how to do it. It is another of those twisted bitter stories of life that Almodovar knows well and enjoys developing and producing them. Don't miss i...

Lost Highway/妖夜慌踪 / David Lynch

这被认为是大卫•林奇拍得最混乱的一部电影。爵士乐手(比尔•普尔曼 Bill Pullman 饰)和他的妻子(帕特丽夏•阿奎特 Patricia Arquette 饰)一天早上收到了一盒录影带,他们发现里面的内容竟然是他们日常生活的点点滴滴。从此,他们每天早上都会收到这样的录影带。这天,乐手发现录影带里的内容竟然是他杀死了妻子!当他冲进卧室时,发现妻子果然死在了床上。   警察将他带走了。一晚过后,原本在监房里坐着的乐手变成一个年轻的维修工,莫明其妙的警察只好将他放了。维修工因一手出色的修车技术深得黑社会老大器重,这时,他发现老大...

Blue Velvet/蓝色夜合花 / David Lynch

影史上最著名的惊悚片之一,大卫·林奇用鲜艳的色彩,探索美国中产阶级貌似正常生活下汹涌的污垢暗流,上映当时极富争议。 大学生杰弗里(凯尔·麦克拉克伦 Kyle MacLachlan 饰)回到小镇照顾生病的父亲,这个表面平静安逸的小镇却让杰弗里在归家途中的草丛里就发现了一只被残忍割下的人耳,杰弗里当场呕吐。这只耳朵引来了警察威廉斯的调查,威廉斯有个纯情年少的女儿桑迪(劳拉·邓恩 Laura Dern 饰),她与杰弗里相爱了,为了讨爱人欢心她向他透露案情进展,杰弗里循着线索跟踪夜总会歌女桃乐丝(伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼 Isabella Rossellini...

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