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人民共和动物园/People’s Republic of Zoo / 孙逊

About animal's world, inspired by Orwell George novel inspiration manufacture. 关于动物的世界,受到奥威尔的小说启发制作

主义之外/Beyond-ism / 孙逊

中国古代有一个传说,秦始皇派出徐福和三千童男童女乘船到东方的蓬莱仙境寻找长生不老的仙药,,,,,,据说他们后来到了日本。 同样在中国古代,人们对世界很多种理解,其中一种是:人们认为世界是一座巨大的山,这座大山被一个巨大的龟驮着,这龟叫做“赑屃”,据传是龙的第九个儿子,特别善于负重,而龟又踩着四只大象,,,,,,这是世界的构成方式。 魔术师的世界,这个唯一合法的谎言家,杜撰着这个世界最美丽的政治神话,但却是一个飘渺的海市蜃楼,可整个世界却为之倾覆,一切都是浪漫的废墟,在这废墟之上,会出现人们期待已...

英雄不再/Heroes no longer / 孙逊

"Hero" is a kind of historical complex, this complex lead to the transitions of our history, but they are usually ridiculous. "history" means to us more likely a sort of impression, or a virtual reality. "英雄"是一种历史情结,这种历史的情结使我们的历史产生了转折,历史的转折往往是荒谬的,"历史"对于我们来说更是一种印象,一种虚幻的真实.

安魂曲/Requiem / 孙逊

I have been infatuation for the kind of imaginary history narrative, rather than an interest in how it became history actually. I simply want to know what is the real invented , And, what is truer to the PAST as I imagine, I can’t recall any difference it made to me. But again and again just get addicted. What drives me so infatuated with it? A lingering history going between truth and stories, that is like a repeating requiem played for all shared memories 我一直迷恋虚构的历史,更感兴趣于它是...

讹/Lie / 孙逊

China`s first atomic blast,jubilate jubilate,destroy the whole shoot,the beautiful mushroom cloud destroy the history,plaza,the crowd, rulers, magician,this is a mythology,every huge disaster is romantic. 中国的第一棵原子弹爆炸,欢呼,欢呼,摧毁所有,美丽的蘑菇云摧毁历史,广场,人群,统治者,魔术师,这是一个神话,每个巨大的灾难都是浪漫的。

日常乌托邦/Utopia in the day / 孙逊

About of the once truch of Chinese history,is from the five dream moment.  中国历史的真相,5个梦的瞬间。

魔术师的谎言/Lie of mahican / 孙逊

A lie of magician or a lie of god ? 魔术师的谎言,还是上帝的谎言?

休克时光/Shock of time / 孙逊


21克/ / 孙逊

人们刨根问底的质问历史,但是当历史的概念中抽离了实实在在的一秒,一分,一个小时,一天,一年,一个世纪的时间,一个百分之一百真实具体而不是某种概念的时间时,人们得到的答案永远没有比质疑本身更真实更精彩的了,人们对世界的认识一直处在徒劳的变化之中。。。。。。我们,所有的人,精神恍惚,游移不定,不能改变居无定所的尴尬。我们每个人都是流浪者,流浪在世界的边缘。 21克 历史抛弃了时间,我们丧失了灵魂。。。。。。

瞬间的权利/ / 孙逊


黑色咒语/Coal Spell / 孙逊

文字元年战役/Chinese words.war / 孙逊

A war about Chinese words. 中国文字的战争

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