Ten Minutes Older/ / Spike Lee
dream come true for art-house film buffs, and anyone whose out looking for an interesting way to spend 90 minutes. This is perhaps one of the most amazing collection of short films. The secret lies in the vast variety of genre and style of the films. From pure eye-candy to dramatic documentaries. In a collection like this, there is no such thing as "out of place". I found all the films enjoyable and interesting. For me, the weakest segment was the Wim Wenders film. It felt like an episode of a m...牯岭街少年杀人事件/A Brighter Summer Day / 杨德昌
结识小明(杨静怡饰)前,小四(张震饰)是典型的乖仔,是父母的希望和兄妹的骄傲(一家人指望他考上名牌大学将来提升全家的社会地位),他有一个喜欢摇滚乐的自称“小猫王(王启赞饰)”的好友,两人虽会去树林看人幽会,但过的是与周围诸多在“小公园”混的少年人完全两样的生活。 喜欢上小明后,小四开始被外界的各种力量牵着鼻子走,像跌进一个无底深渊一样。新识仰慕对象honey(林鸿铭饰)猝死,一向敬重的父亲的自尊与精神因为某次事件严重受损,加上“看透”了“欺骗玩弄”感情的小明,血气方刚又有很强道德感的小四终于走上犯罪...« 上一页 1 下一页 »