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1428/ / 杜海滨

2008年5月12日14 :28, 四川大地震发生。   第一部分: 地震后10天。   公众的悲痛欲绝、救灾的十万火急,在铺天盖地的报道和施救之中,“生存”成为最重要的一个词:竭力寻找搜救亲人的个人、痛彻心扉的家庭,救出山里受灾养猪场的牲畜,在倒塌的瓦砾间收集菲薄的报废金属……废墟之上,衣衫褴褛的流浪汉在游荡,就像塔罗牌中的“愚人”,冷眼旁观近乎荒谬的厄运突如其来降临的悲惨世界;一位和尚与一位道士这样总结了地震:“地震的肆虐,是因为土地爷已经长久不被供奉在我们的庙宇里了..。”。   第二部分:地震后210天。  ...

China’s Unnatural Disaster: The Tears of Sichuan Province/ / Jon Alpert

Synopsis: On May 12, 2008, a catastrophic earthquake hit Sichuan Province in rural China, killing nearly 70,000 people, including 10,000 children. In town after town, poorly constructed school buildings crumbled, wiping out classrooms filled with students, most of them their parents’ only child. But when grieving mothers and fathers sought explanations and justice, they found their path blocked by incompetence, corruption and empty promises. An astonishingly up-close and candid look at the ...

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