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哈尔滨旋转楼梯/Spiral Staircase of Harbin / 季丹

住在高楼上的母亲和面临高考的女儿相依为命。住在楼下大杂院里的夫妻为沉迷网吧的儿子而烦恼。两个中国中小城市到处可见的普通家庭,前途未卜的迷惘少年和他们人到中年迷失在生活罗网中的父母。 On a hill in Harbin in China’s Heilongjiang Province in the director’s hometown, a girl neglects her exam preparation in favor of drawing pictures, and her mother wants her to study. Below the hill, a couple is unable to say anything to their son who is always playing with his friends. The feelings of these powerle...

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