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Potosi, the Journey/ / 洪·哈维里欧 (Ron Havilio)


秘密人/Triumph of the Will/秘密人:今日我下机关,明日我上天曹 / 毛晨雨

《秘密人》是稻电影“自由人”三部的第一部,考察了“自我”在地域性与族群性领域的认同形式。本片是我对黔东南土家族区域傩戏观照的意志性产品。傩艺师是我找到的拥有“自我”的特殊人种,他们规范神性自由,享有“人”的特权——如果我将“现代人”假设为非人的现代物种。 "Triumph of the Will" is paddyfilm first of "free Man" series, I found the "self" regional and ethnical identity of himself.The film is my understanding of the Nuo Opera of Tujia ethnic group in Guizhou. When I find the master of one's self in a...

花脸巴儿/ / 艾未未


童话/ / 艾未未

讲的是2007年一次召集1001名中国人到德国的大型行为艺术活动。 上篇是在国内的准备,下篇是在德国的记录 《童话》是艺术家艾未未参加2007年第12届卡塞尔文献展的作品。本片为《童话》作品的一个组成部分。

老妈蹄花/ / 艾未未


LOMAX-the songhunter/ / Rogier Kappers

Of course Alan Lomax deserves to be praised for his contributions to American culture. Of course he had some VERY serious flaws, and this show politely indicates some of them. He has also been the subject of very unfair criticism, which the director wisely avoids. However, I found it immensely disturbing how much footage was devoted to seeing Alan Lomax as he was shortly before he died, with his mind no longer what it had been. For example, the opening shot of his daughter reading his own words...

Diamonds and Rust/钻石与铁锈 / Adi Barash

This astonishing documentary takes place aboard a diamond dredger anchored off the coast of Namibia. The dredger is owned and operated by the De Beers Corporation, the world's largest diamond processing company. The crew is diverse and fractious: the engineers South African, the captain and cook Cuban, the security officer Israeli, and the deckhands Namibian. The South Africans are well educated and white (and one of them is bluntly racist), the Cubans are low key and friendly, the Israeli is a ...

Gan/The Garden / Adi Barash

Saw this on TV and thought it was pretty good. It shows how everything is stacked against these kids, especially their own self-image. Nothing is simple -- everyone has an angle. Who's straight and who's gay? Hard to tell. Are Nino and Dudu responsible for making things worse for themselves? They seem to screw up every change to improve things. But on the other hand, everything comes with strings attached. The men who give them money and other things are amazingly candid about their mixed motive...

The Bird People in China/ / 三池崇史

场景从日本飞到云南。一个少数民族的多山地区。那里有一个鸟人学校。一个英国人驾驶的飞机,在战时坠入了这个村里的一个池塘,他是女孩的爷爷。现在,她爷爷奶奶爸爸妈妈都葬在池塘边的石堆里。 突然被抛入一个地方,这个地方与外界联系的方式不多,并且是甚少。那个斜斜地冲下山崖的坡,是鸟人的跑道。有过在夏天的玉米地里,单单一个人穿行的体会吗?世界的声响、显现和无际包围着你,你在这时十分饱满,一个呼吸都能清楚地听到,一次脉搏都能在脚掌心触地的瞬间感受到,穿着老式布鞋,你的感受会更加深刻。

46億年の恋/Big Bang Love: Juvenile A / 三池崇史

在一所监狱的混合牢房中,一名少年正骑在一名青年身上用绳子勒紧他的脖子。看守发觉后立刻将少年拉开,但那名青年已经断了气。行凶后的少年神情冷漠,只是反复叨念着:“我做到了,我做到了……”   两名警察开始调查这桩奇特的杀人事件。行凶者有吉淳原是在GAY吧打工的男妓,在遭客人虐待后将其杀死,由此入狱。而被害人香月史郎则是一个在不良环境中长大的混混,从小就打架抢劫无恶不作,最终打死了人。他和有吉在同一天被押入这家监狱。沉默冷淡的有吉和粗暴易怒的香月性格正相反,但两人的关系却十分亲密。在狱中,香月一直充当着...

杀手阿一/ / 三池崇史


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