嵌入肉体的城市/The Concrete Revolution / 郭小橹
本片以北京的拆旧楼、建新厦,乡下人进城打工,辛苦劳动,却拿不到工资,还被老板以未发的工资威胁,农历新年也得留在城市内赶工,遥想家人时,落得以泪洗面为主轴,以散文式抒情格调呈现城市面貌、人口结构,以及社会现像的改变为辅线。Cléo de 5 à 7/ / Agnès Varda
"Cleo from 5 to 7" tells the story of a young French singer, who fears that she may be seriously ill. What could have been maudlin "movie of the week" soap opera, is transformed by Agnes Varda into a unique movie experience. The film contrasts Cleo's fear of death with the teeming life of the Paris streets, where street entertainers swallow live frogs and puncture their biceps; and the more normal members of the crowd busy themselves with the usual affairs of business and the heart. A large amo...« 上一页 1 下一页 »