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Gonzalo Arcillas First Sentimental Success/ / Luis Deltell

有一个九岁大的男孩爱上了一个十二岁的女孩,他家里是以在集市上买卖为生的。他的无穷的想象力和他的哥哥提供的建议一同使得他越来越接近那个女孩。 A nine-year-old boy whose family make a living in fairs is in love with a twelve-year-old girl. The flights of his imagination together with the advice of his elder brother bring him by turns closer and farther away from her.

Mil nubes de paz cercan el cielo, amor, jamás acabarás de ser amor/A Thousand Clouds of Peace / Julián Hernández

 失去了恋人的17岁男孩孤独地徘徊在墨西哥市的街头……镜头缓缓推移,少年冷酷的脸,稚嫩却已布满沧桑的手,焦虑的眼神,焦点失去,镜头里一片模糊,黑白影像粗糙的颗粒感,粗暴擦拭着一个又一个孤独的灵魂。墨西哥的街头,似乎融合了没有边际的天涯海角。     同样的桥,同样的路,同样的桌球室,同样的夜晚,同样的等待,少年在奔跑,在宣泄,一次又一次读着爱人的信,一次又一次听着爱人喜欢的歌,在追忆着逝去的誓言,在追忆着被抛弃的痛苦。     为了寻求慰籍,男孩开始无尽地与陌生人做爱,他以为这是唯一的方法,用身体...

L'avventura/The Adventure / Michelangelo Antonioni

Having recently seen L'Avventura and Scenes from a Marriage back to back they seem as different as it is possible to be. Yet they do share a common ground, namely humanity's quest for love and understanding and the seemingly insurmountable obstacles that lie in the way. But whereas Bergman's film has moments of true warmth and happiness, Antonioni's L'Avventura is as brutally cold as a Scandinavian winter. Plot summary is not entirely important (and would spoil potential surprises), suffice to ...

Demoiselles ont eu 25 ans, Les/The Young Girls Turn 25 / Agnès Varda

 In 1967, the phenomenally successful director of the films Lola and the groundbreaking musical Les Parapluies de Cherbourg, Jacques Demy, arrived in the little port town of Rochefort and, together with his art director, decorated the whole town in cheerful, almost surreal fashion for the filming of his next musical, Les Demoiselles de Rochefort. This enormously well-received film, packed with songs which became integral to French popular culture, put the little town of Rochefort "on the map." ...

La Strada/ / Federico Fellini

Italy. Zampano is the only member of a circus act traveling across the country and performing for street charity. One day he buys a new member for his act, Gelsomina, a young and slightly retarded innocent woman. Traveling around the country and performing acts - Zampano is breaking the chains from his chest while Gelsomina is entertaining the audience dressed as a clown - the two of them come closer... "The Road", winner of an Oscar for best foreign language film, is a real full blood masterpi...

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