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我最后的秘密/My Last Secret / 黎小锋

在苏州一条粉墙黛瓦的老街上,住着一个出生名门的九旬老太和她六十多岁的保姆。主仆俩天天吵吵闹闹,既彼此抱怨,又相守相依。 人到暮年,无儿无女,爱恨交织的青春记忆让老太挥之不去,而最让她割舍不下的,就是准备偷偷捐献出去的财产。围绕着老太的遗嘱,保姆和远方亲戚各怀心思,轮番登台。但谁都不知道,老太内心深处,又是怎样一个世界……

Logorama/商标世界2012 / François Alaux

That pretty much wraps it up: "All action, All fun" This is the kind of film you should watch if you really want to have 15 minutes silly sarcastic boy-toy fun. Lots of action, wild animals, guns, fast cars, some rude boys and lots of explosions (rush hour, rambo, cops styled) in a world fully made out of logos. You wont learn any positive message in any way, maybe no message at all. Its just a cool action/persecution story with extremely funny animations, but then you might just spend 15 min o...

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