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姑妈在茶城/Tea Twon/姑妈在茶楼 / 田爱民

弟弟受病危中的父亲委托,去哥哥所在的茶城寻找失散多年的姑妈,并为其拍照留念。此事如愿以偿的当晚,兄弟二人遭遇激情,在他们与两个女人令人啼笑皆非的故事展开之际,姑妈家里昔日的宁静也因兄弟俩之前的造访蒙上了阴影。第二天早上,弟弟不辞而别,爬上了一列去向不明的货车。 The younger brother went to the Tea Town where his elder brother is and they went for looking their aunt who has been scattered for many years. They wanted to get some pictures of their aunt as the last wish of their dying father. When it...

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