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Kontakthof/ / Pina Bausch

Kontkthof 這個字在德文的解釋有兩個,一是指監獄中囚犯們「放風」時休息散步的區域,另一個是妓院中嫖客與妓女公開見面、相互打探彼此的沙龍(大房間、廳院),嫖客也在此挑選物色妓女。 《交際場》可以說相當地苦情,男女一直從彼此身上找尋愛和溫柔,但這尋找總是行不通,他們的寂寞令人難以忍受,天時地利人合,總是對不上。 Quelle: 《表演藝術》第九十九期,2001年3月 《交際場》老人版(Kontakthof mit Damen und Herrn ab 65) 2000 年,烏帕塔舞蹈劇場(Tanztheater Wuppertal)誠徵六十五歲以上男女來演出這個作品,大家毫無...

人面桃花/beautiful men / 杜海滨

这是一部关于成都某同志酒吧一些从事反串演出演员的纪录片。 47岁的莎姐是是演出队中年龄最大的演员,通过艰苦的练习,他仍能做出批跨等高难度的舞蹈动作,但日渐臃肿的体态,迟缓的反应无法掩饰的昭示着他的衰老。25岁的青青出道较早,因为长相出众在成都同志圈中颇有名气。不久前,他和一个特别喜欢他的女孩袁静结婚生子。22岁的西西来到酒吧之前也是一家酒店的服务生,一个偶尔的机会他开始了反串演出,西西有一个女友叫微微,她是女同志中的T,他俩曾相约将来一起结婚以安慰双方的父母。 通常酒吧的演出是在每晚10:00,一台节目大...

Demoiselles ont eu 25 ans, Les/The Young Girls Turn 25 / Agnès Varda

 In 1967, the phenomenally successful director of the films Lola and the groundbreaking musical Les Parapluies de Cherbourg, Jacques Demy, arrived in the little port town of Rochefort and, together with his art director, decorated the whole town in cheerful, almost surreal fashion for the filming of his next musical, Les Demoiselles de Rochefort. This enormously well-received film, packed with songs which became integral to French popular culture, put the little town of Rochefort "on the map." ...

Ulysse/ / Agnès Varda

This film is now being exhibited as the middle section of a trilogy of documentaries about photography Ms. Varda has done over her career as Ciné Vardaphoto. If you get a chance to see any of the three you will be engaged into a vibrant examination of what is photography, memory, history, and the artistic process. Be prepared to think, and revel in one woman's amazing ability to constantly provoke us to examine and re-examine our human condition. Ulysse itself uses one particular photo the direc...

Murs, murs/ / Agnès Varda

The French director Agnes Varda spent a couple of different years in Los Angeles, and this particular year produced her documentary "Murs, murs" and her fiction film "Documenteur". The title means "Walls, walls", but also puns with the word "murmurs." Varda located dozens of murals around LA and filmed them. Many of these are gone today, so this is a true documentary, documenting a wonderful aspect of southern Californian visual culture. She interviews the artists, a truly multicultural and mult...

Lions Love/ / Agnès Varda

The movie is totally a waste of precious time unless you are a great fan of any of the actors involved or like to see news clips of the 60's in California. The best part is the first part of the movie showing a scene out of a play "the Beard" with Billie Dixon and Richard Bright, but that is just about all you are going to see of Richard Bright. There seems to be no structure, no set script. I think anybody could have done a better job with other wanna be actors and a camcorder. I cant believe t...

Bonheur, Le/Happiness / Agnès Varda

A thing non-French users may not know:at the time,the male star,Jean-Claude Drouot was the brats' hero,Thierry la Fronde ,a miniseries where he portrayed a young French noble fighting against the "villains" (eg: the English) during the Hundred Years war. Casting the whole Drouot family (husband,wife,and children who all keep their first names in real life) was a risqué move for the sixties;And involving daddy in adultery was not particularly what they call "playing safe" ;and proving that the p...

伞/umbrella / 杜海滨

广东中山。众多来自农村的年轻工人们在赶制下一年的订单。他们日夜加班,像机器一样重复着单调的动作一一手中的活计必须以最快的速度完成,因为最大可能地提高单位时间里的工作效率即意味着他们在月底能拿到最多可能的薪水;而事实上,即便这“最多”也仍旧少得可怜。无数把各种颜色样式的雨伞在他们手中成型、诞生,而每一把伞能为其他人赚多少钱,却是他们不知道的。   浙江义乌。得天独厚的地理条件使得这里有机会成为了“世界工厂”与“世界市场”接靠的最前沿。为了经济开发,农民们的土地被征用了,一些幸运者得到了可观的赔偿。...

Two Cigarettes in the Dark/ / Pina Bausch

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