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边际儿/The Outsider / 肖屺楠

居住在深圳屋村的年轻打工者小平,在天桥上做手机贴膜的小生意。 因为制止了暗巷偷窃,让他结识了一位打扮火热的金发女郎。 小平与她打得火热,以为是爱情降临;但很快便发现那只是自己的一厢情愿。 而且,在对方的冷漠背后,还藏有另一个影响他至深的秘密。 Synopsis: Ping, a young immigration lived with his elder sister and brother in law. Work as a street vendor, selling cell phone accessories on the overhead walkway. One day he stopped a robber in a dark lane and met a hot dressed young girl. Ping fell in love...

薔薇/Rozen Maiden / 岑菁

倔脾气的母女,为升学、为感情,吵得不可开交。 女儿前男友的突然出现,三人的双线故事,平凡的两日一夜。 蔷薇般的少女心事,独爱梦与现实间微妙的交错。 Synopsis: A pair of temperamental mother and daughter in conflict over love and education. The young girl’s ex-boyfriend suddenly reappears. Two stories. Three people. A seemingly ordinary 24 hours. The matters of a girl’s heart, razor-sharp like the thorn of a rose. Dream and reality delicately interlocked. 

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