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三元里/ / 欧宁


Double Portrait/夢想交會 / Mariusz Front

伊娃、麥克分別從學校的戲劇、導演系畢業,現在正是他們大展身手的時機!伊娃參加了一些試鏡,麥克則是拼命向電影製片推銷自己的劇本。如同一般剛踏出校門的社會新鮮人一樣,兩人積極地尋找出頭的機會,但現實的殘忍,卻讓他們的夢想破滅、無功而返。他們藉由數位相機,拍攝下生活的點點滴滴,紀錄這一段夢想交會的歷程。 Ewa has just graduated from the Acting Faculty in the School for Theatre Arts, Michal from the Directing Faculty. Now it is time to start a professional life. Ewa attends auditions, Michal tries to ge...

Lion volatil, Le/ / Agnès Varda


Cléo de 5 à 7/ / Agnès Varda

"Cleo from 5 to 7" tells the story of a young French singer, who fears that she may be seriously ill. What could have been maudlin "movie of the week" soap opera, is transformed by Agnes Varda into a unique movie experience. The film contrasts Cleo's fear of death with the teeming life of the Paris streets, where street entertainers swallow live frogs and puncture their biceps; and the more normal members of the crowd busy themselves with the usual affairs of business and the heart. A large amo...

Quatre cents coups, Les/ / François Truffaut

This film is one of the greatest I have ever seen. It depicts some events in the life of Antoine Doinel, a young French boy who gets into a lot of trouble no matter what he does. This was the first film by Francois Truffaut, and I believe that it is filmed with such an innocence that you can really feel some of the emotions that Antoine feels. I love the simple style of this film, and I think it adds to its charm. The story is can even be painful to watch as one sees all of the things that happe...

一一/YiYi / A One and a Two / 杨德昌

NJ(吴念真)是个很有原则的生意人,同妻子敏敏(金燕玲)、女儿婷婷(李凯莉)、儿子洋洋(张杨洋)以及外婆住在台北某所普通公寓里。小舅子的一场麻烦婚礼过后,因为外婆突然中风昏迷,他迎来更加混乱的日子。    敏敏公司、家里两头跑,时常感觉自己要被耗空;婷婷一直为外婆的中风内疚,恋爱谈到中途发现自己不过是替代品;NJ更是麻烦重重,公司面临破产,他又不愿放下别人眼里一文不值的自尊。一家人里,似乎只有洋洋没有烦恼,他平静地用照相机拍着各种人的背面,帮他们长出另一双眼睛,然而,洋洋简简单单的一句话,道出更深的...

Once/ / 约翰·卡尼/John Carney

这是一部由音乐开启的爱尔兰电影。 卖花女(Marketa Irglova)被街头艺人(Glen Hansard饰)的音乐所吸引,开始了一段荡气回肠的浪漫故事。他们不是王子和公主,各自有着琐碎的生活,但是他们有个共同点,那就是对音乐的热爱。在一次合奏中,他们找到了彼此间惊人的默契。这个发现让他们兴奋,很快他们找到了另外的一个同伴,组成了一个乐队,并通过优秀的表现得到了专业人士的肯定。与此同时,爱情也在逐渐萌芽。音乐是这部电影最大的亮点之一,塑造了极其浪漫唯美的氛围。

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