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Kargaran mashghoole karand/ / Mani Haghighi

A bare bones synopsis of this film might lead you to expect that it is lethally boring. Four middle aged buddies are returning to Tehran from a trip to the mountains, trying to get back in time to watch an important soccer match on TV. Their homeward journey grinds to a halt when they round a curve in the highway and are confronted by a natural monolith, a 10 foot high, narrow rock formation, projecting straight up out of the ground, overlooking the canyon below. They spend the rest of the movie...

Zena s krajolikom/Woman In A Landscape / Ivica Matic

Woman in a Landscape (Zena sa krajolikom)   (Ivica Matic, Yugoslavia , 1976)   68 m, subtitles   16 mm colour   http://www.bosnia.org.uk/outofbosnia/cinema.shtm   A self-taught naive painter attracts the attention of a local married woman. Their liaison upsets the balance of their community and puts them into conflict with their neighbours. A beautifully shot film with great feeling for painting and the surrounding landscape.   This pastoral drama celebrates the dedication and courag...

Зеркало/Zrekalo / Andrei Tarkovsky

It's not easy to make such judgments, but this is my favorite film. A personal choice, for sure, but what MIRROR achieves is the height of poetry and literature. Its final moment, if it works for you (and I can imagine it wouldn't for all), is a success of the "method of indirection" sought by poetry. Its effect is cumulative and devastating. People often stress the difficulty of this film, but my only answer is to allow it to wash over you and allow it to have its effect. The first time I saw ...

Koyaanisqatsi/ / Godfrey Reggio

1983年,受IRS(Institute of Regional Study)委托,导演雷吉奥拍出了一部非叙事性的电视片,在这基础上,Qatsi系列第一部惊世之作《失衡生活》(Koyaanisqatsi)应运而生。在得到了包括卢卡斯、科波拉等人的大力支持与推广之后,《失衡生活》在当时形成了轰动性的效果。 "KOYAANISQATSI"是美国印第安族霍皮人的方言,意指失去平衡的生活。导演高夫瑞·雷吉奥在这部历时八年制作的记录片中采用了创新的电影语言,全片没有情节、角色及对白,完全依靠影像及配乐。 看这部影片,本身就是一次奇妙的视觉体验,一切文字和语言在这里都显得苍白...

Cold Souls/冷酷的心 / Sophie Barthes

一个男人寻找自己的灵魂的故事。。。。。。 In response to shiny, bigger, better American consumerism comes Cold Souls, a metaphysical tragicomedy in which souls can be extracted and traded as commodities. Balancing on a tightrope between deadpan humor and pathos, and between reality and fantasy, the film presents Paul Giamatti as himself, agonizing over his interpretation of Uncle Vanya. Paralyzed with anxiety, he stumbles upon a solution via a New Yorker article about a high-tech company promisi...

Arlen Faber/The Dream of the Romans / John Hindman


秉爱/BingAi / 冯艳

为了三峡建设,113万长江边的住户将被移民,其中大部分是农民,张秉爱是一个拒绝搬迁的农妇,观众将随着纪录片的镜头看到她长达七年与相关干部之间的斗争,后者施加种种压力逼其就范,然而对于土地的爱,促使她留在这块称为家的土地上。 张秉爱是一个住在三峡库区的普通的农妇。20多年前,由父母做主从高山上嫁到了生活相对富裕的江边。丈夫有病,张秉爱不得不一个人承担了全部的生活重担。日子虽苦,但张秉爱对未来充满了希望,因为儿子是村里唯一考上了县重点高中的孩子。 张家是村里的钉子户。虽然第一期移民的时候,她家被允许就地后...

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