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The Thirst of a Stone Sea/ / Viadimir Perovic


羊男宇宙/Yang Nan Universe Introduction / 薛鉴羌

 羊男和姐姐是孤儿,相依为命。  姐姐是妓女,羊男是姐姐的经济人。  羊男陷入“寻找”之前的“迷茫”沼泽。  似乎是自然地涉步于多个世界之间——  与姐姐的世界、与小女孩的世界、与自己的世界  他孤独着、反复地体会着可以激发他未来的孤独…… Yang Nan and his sister are orphans,depend on each other.  Sister is a prostitute,Yang Nan is her economic man.  Yang Nan was bogged down into the "confused" swamp before "pursuing"  Seems to be a natural step among the multi worlds——  Sister's world,the l...

Rah-e hal/ / Abbas Kiarostami


Mashgh-e Shab/ / Abbas Kiarostami

In 'Homework' Kiarostami, interviews children on their personal opinions to homework. It is a great documentary, funny, sweet, and so easy to watch. Kiarostami literally films the children and interviews them and that's it, but by doing this he captures the children in such a great way that you wonder that Truffaut, is not directing the kids from off camera! The children brim with the kind of charisma that we'd forgot children could do in a film let alone in real life, and seems to seek to remin...

Tickets/ / Abbas Kiarostami

When I first started watching this movie I was looking for some kind of subtle metaphors but it soon dawned on me that this movie was indeed about people on a train. The interactions between people are like those you can see any day on the street and when in occasion there is a slightly more interesting situation the dialogue becomes stilted and boring. Its not that I don't get how this film is trying to portray the way people interact, it's just that in this film they are very boring. If you wa...

Boy Interrupted/被扼杀的男孩/被打扰的孩子 / Dana Perry

一个母亲如何去描述探寻儿子的自杀。。。。。。 本片导演以令人惊异的毅力,在儿子死去之后,通过收集家庭录像,照片,访问儿子的朋友,医生,亲戚,一切的可能去探寻儿子为何会在15岁这样的豆蔻年华选择结束自己的生命。完全彻底的展示一个孩子和家庭的生活,对于很多父母来说,本片无疑像个噩梦,这是一个注定会引起很多疑问和反思的影片。。。。。。。 Boy Interrupted is a film that raises questions. It asks how a young boy can end his life at the tender age of 15. It struggles to find answers about what kind of family...

秉爱/BingAi / 冯艳

为了三峡建设,113万长江边的住户将被移民,其中大部分是农民,张秉爱是一个拒绝搬迁的农妇,观众将随着纪录片的镜头看到她长达七年与相关干部之间的斗争,后者施加种种压力逼其就范,然而对于土地的爱,促使她留在这块称为家的土地上。 张秉爱是一个住在三峡库区的普通的农妇。20多年前,由父母做主从高山上嫁到了生活相对富裕的江边。丈夫有病,张秉爱不得不一个人承担了全部的生活重担。日子虽苦,但张秉爱对未来充满了希望,因为儿子是村里唯一考上了县重点高中的孩子。 张家是村里的钉子户。虽然第一期移民的时候,她家被允许就地后...

哈佛女孩/ /


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