The color red holds so many facets of symbolism in this picture. If you've seen Woody Allen's "Manhattan", then you may remember when he called Ingmar Bergman the only person he could truly consider to be a cinematic genius. Like Nathaniel Hawthorne, Bergman digs deep into the human psyche... only he does it cinematically, which is an even greater achievement. This is just one of those rare, important films艾格尼丝(哈里特·安德森 Harriet Andersson饰)、玛丽亚(丽芙·乌曼 Liv Ullmann饰)和卡琳(英...
『幻の光』 でヴェネチア映画祭 金のオゼッラ賞をはじめ数々の賞を受賞した是枝裕和監督の第2作 『ワンダフルライフ』 は、人が死んでから天国へたどりつくまでの7日間というファンタジックな設定の中で、"人にとって思い出とは何か?"という普遍的なテーマを描いた作品です。
死者役として一般の人々が多数登場しているのも大きな見どころの一つ。映画制作の準備を本格的にスタートさせた97年の夏からクランク佐藤 譲イン直前までの6ヶ月、スタッフがそれぞれビデオカメラを持ち、老人ホームやとげぬき地蔵、オフィス街の公園、大学の...
'Hable con ella' aka 'Talk to Her' (2002) is a powerful cinematic experience…It is not the best Almodovar and the narration is not a pristine one as more affective details could have been added. Yet the movie succeeds on so many levels. Why is that so? An original scenario and a bunch of very good actors might very well be the answer. Very baroque at time, adept of kitsch atmospheres Mr. Almodovar also has a cinematic sense of parody as well as drama. His style became famous out of Spain with m...
Persona/ / Ingmar Bergman
This, what could be Bergman's 27th effort as writer and director, is a film I've gone back to over the years, because over time I wish to work out what it truly means. Everything that we see in its way of communication, its dialect, its structure of implications are completely apparent. Its only mere evocations are of hidden realities, and we lose hope of finding them. It is about motherhood, or abandoning it. It is about existentialism, or a sensation of bewilderment and loss of nerve despite a...
We trace the journey of an elderly professor who is traveling to receive an honor for a life of accomplishment and service. Along the way he confronts the lack of success in his human relationships as opposed to the success he has enjoyed professionally. A string of encounters with the past and with iconic people he meets gradually bring the contrast into focus for the viewer.
I particularly liked the subtle and intelligent storytelling in this film. He tells us before the credits that he is ju...
This classic is filled with a lot of memorable images - from the opening scenes on the seashore to the effective concluding shots, creative thoughts are combined with some fine camera work. There are several significant or interesting questions raised by the characters - from the imagery of the "Seventh Seal" in Revelation, to their simple but important concerns about eternity - but it is the way that the visuals play off of the ideas that make the movie so worthwhile.
The recreation of the med...
In approaching any film of Fellini's, it is important not to clump his style in the same field of other European 'arthouse' filmmakers such as Bergman, Godard, Antonioni or even Tarkovsky.
From what I understand after viewing a few of his films [namely 'La Strada', 'La Dolce Vita', 'Nights of Cabiria' and now 'Variety Lights'] Fellini draws deceptively simple metaphors and contexts from banal characters often at times, for instance Quinn as the strongman in "La Strada" who exploits the resource...
Enjoyed this Foreign film produced by Federico Fellini film depicting a group of men who really do not like to work and manage to live off their families and love to drink, party and love women. There is a nice young couple who love each other, however, this woman becomes pregnant and creates a difficulty between the couple and even though he loves his wife he is always hitting on other women for romance. This story goes into great detail about each of these vagabond men who never seem to advanc...
Italy. Zampano is the only member of a circus act traveling across the country and performing for street charity. One day he buys a new member for his act, Gelsomina, a young and slightly retarded innocent woman. Traveling around the country and performing acts - Zampano is breaking the chains from his chest while Gelsomina is entertaining the audience dressed as a clown - the two of them come closer...
"The Road", winner of an Oscar for best foreign language film, is a real full blood masterpi...
Gorgeous early Fellini, often considered the mid-point in his career, between the more obviously reflective, supposedly realistic early work, and the bleak extravaganzas that followed. But Fellini was never a neo-realist in the dull way Rossellini was: his use of landscape was always heavily symbolic or subjective. Here Cabiria lives in the middle of a bleak wasteland, which perhaps serves to figure the emptiness of her life, the sterility of life for women in macho Italy, or a comment on post-f...
It left me in silence for at least half of an hour after watching it. It's simply incredible. No other movie has kept so glued on the screen (consider that this one is 3 hours long!). It seems like you're watching the matter of your dreams, especially in the world wide famous scene at the Fontana di Trevi and in the amazing final scene (again, the best final ever). I don't know what else to say, for there's no word to describe this astonishing vision. I don't understand the people who don't like...
Deeply personal and engaging, Fellini's story has an authenticity
to it that is very unique. As we marvel at the method actors and old
American films of the 50's & 60's, it is in the foreign films during
this era where the most impressive and innovative work was
being created (8 1/2 tops that list). I find films with stage-like acting, blatant morality, and little bits of
exciting action (like the American cinema of the 50's and 60's) to
be uncompelling. Personal stories are compelling. Pe...
1957年中国反右运动中,北京大学中文系女生林昭洞察到当时的各种社会问题,勇敢地发表意见,其后遭到迫害,身陷囹圄,最后在 1968 年被处决。作为在中国当代社会追求公民权利的先驱者,林昭怀着悲悯的大爱把自己献上了祭坛。在今天政治开明、人权重塑的年代,林昭为我们昭示了人的价值和理想。
周郁芬嫁给李立中(李立群饰) 已经有七年,丈夫是个安分守己的男人,在一家医院工作。结婚后她辞了工作,在家写作。匿名电话深深刺激了周郁芬,她对生活失去信心,而旧情人沈维彬(金士杰饰)的出现也给了她希望,于是她暂时离开李立中,小说也获了奖。