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Dead Man/ / Jim Jarmusch

Please...if you think there is no plot and no meaning....visit a few Indian Pueblos, study some American history, read more William Blake. This journey into the fire of hell has the most beautiful and moving ending ever filmed. A train to hell...Have you ever had a dead end job? What is the connection to Nobody? Why is his name Nobody? What happened at the General Store? Why wouldn't the guy sell the Indian (Native American) tobacco? Please reconsider. This movie is not the best ever made, but i...

Badkonake sefid/The White Balloon / Jafar Panahi

I had the pleasure of watching this movie last year. I have recommended it to countless others since. There is something about this movie that stays with you and is absolutely unforgettable. I can't quite put my finger on it. The pace is slow and purposeful. The little girl and her brother are adorable. The minor characters are fantastic, including the tailor and the difficult customer. I found myself laughing out loud several times during the movie, The themes are universal. It was very easy to...

采薇/ / 赵晔


空気人形/Kûki ningyô / 是枝裕和


The Wrestler/ / Darren Aronofsky


绿草地/Mongolian Pingpong/ Lü cao di / 宁浩

在内蒙古边境处生活的人们,从不关心生活应该怎样变化,但是生活依然悄悄的变化着。一颗原本平淡无奇的白色乒乓球,顺着水面漂到了蒙古孩子毕力格的面前。   毕力格的奶奶告诉毕力格那是上天赐与的夜明珠,毕力格坚信奶奶的说法,叫上自己最好的两个朋友——只会骑摩托不会骑马的二锅头和个子虽小但从不肯付软的达瓦,去草原守了一夜。孩子们不但没有看到“夜明珠”发光,倒是回到家里挨了大人的打。不是夜明   珠又是什么呢?孩子们去问草原上知道最多的喇嘛,依然得不到答案。   一年一度的那达慕开始了,电影荧幕上...

The Alphabet/ / David Lynch

某个下午你的脑子会出意外 会这么美好的。

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