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Salut les cubains/ / Agnès Varda

A half-hour photo montage made up of 1500 out of over 4000 pictures Agnes Varda took while vacationing in Cuba. It deals with the revolution of Fidel Castro and his crew, its effects on the people (shown in a very positive light by Varda) and the island's cultural history. It's decent, but mostly forgettable. The best part are the two or three "musical numbers." There is beautiful Cuban music throughout the film, but there are a couple of sections where Varda makes her photographic subjects danc...

世界残酷奇谭大全之 世界残酷物语/ / Gualtiero Jacopetti

《世界残酷奇谭系列》第一部《狗的生活》1963年出品,开创了一个“残酷纪录片”的先河。由Gualtiero Jacopetti,一个有煽动倾向的记者,以及他的同伴Franco Prosperi和Paolo Cavara三人共同创作的《狗的生活》,向我们展现了来自世界遥远尽头的一系列异乎寻常的,可笑的,惊悚的,彻底的,含糊的报道:为了庆祝复活节的星期五,一群意大利人在卡拉布里亚区的一个农村用玻璃切割他们自己;法国画家Yves Klein用他的“人体画笔”挥毫泼墨;新几内亚的一个女人给猪哺乳;赶时髦的纽约客在餐馆里品味昆虫……在Jacopetti的眼里,世界就是一个...

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