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安定医院/ / 施润玖


8½/Otto e Mezzo / Federico Fellini

Deeply personal and engaging, Fellini's story has an authenticity to it that is very unique. As we marvel at the method actors and old American films of the 50's & 60's, it is in the foreign films during this era where the most impressive and innovative work was being created (8 1/2 tops that list). I find films with stage-like acting, blatant morality, and little bits of exciting action (like the American cinema of the 50's and 60's) to be uncompelling. Personal stories are compelling. Pe...

黑白/黑白摄影工作室杀人 /

黑白》(原名《黑白摄影工作室杀人事件》)是导演李虹的第二部作品,她曾经于1998年拍摄电影《伴你高飞》,该片获了第六届北京大学生电影节最佳处女作奖、第六届印度国际儿童电影节最佳导演奖、首届阿根廷国际儿童及青少年电影节获“综观全景”(故事片)类最佳儿童故事片银风筝奖等多个奖项,李虹当时年仅23岁,被媒体称为中国最年轻的女导演,2001年她用16mm胶片拍摄的电视电影《黑白》获第十六届法国汉斯国际电视电影节评委会特别奖。在作品《黑白》中,李虹就已开始尝试另类而充满悬念的叙事风格,手法锐意出新。   《黑白》是一部...

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