Sadomania/Sadomania (Sadomania – Hölle der Lust) / Jesus Franco
分析哲学家必备的同性殘虐大赏。Les Avaleuses/ / Jesus Franco
深刻的AV血姬,穿帮无数的微笑禪心。新疆,新疆!/Xinjiang, Xinjiang! / 张智佗
这是一场蔚为壮观的劳动力大迁徙。在中国的西部,每年八月下旬大约都有一百多万的农民工一齐涌向新疆,他们将从事同一工作,有一个共同的名字——季节性拾花工。 本片全程跟踪拍摄了农民工从启程之前一直到返乡之日这期间的“工作和生活”以及他们的家庭状况,以群像的方式来表现当代中国农民工的生存现状及一系列的社会问题。醜女/BU・SU / 市川准
年他首次跨足电影This high-school drama is about a girl who wants to be a geisha (japanese prostitute). She lives with her aunt who runs a geisha-house. The movie follows the girl in school, where she's not accepted by other students and during her, not so succesfull, education for geisha at her aunts house. Live seems to get better when she's asked to perform on a schooltheater night, as a traditional dancer... The story is very chaotic, which a lot of irrelevant sidelines and a very sudden end...Dance of the Vampires/The Fearless Vampire Killers / Roman Polanski
This was a very fun film to watch and Polanski uses a lot of camera tricks to make this a visually interesting film. I heard that this was considered "Funny and Sexy" and it is very humorous but I can't consider it that sexy. He gets Sharon Tate in a film and she takes like three bath's but nothing else happens. No hiding behind a towel or anything. This definitely should have been a much more sexy film. Former boxing champion Terry Downes plays the hunchback and the scene towards the end when h...Papier ne peut pas envelopper la braise, Le/ / Rithy Panh
本片讲述了居住在金边贫民窟的妓女的悲惨遭遇,她们因家庭贫困而别无选择,原以为进城后她们的生活会大有改善,可一切都是老鸨的花言巧语。她们被迫日日工作,忍受着客人的折磨和老鸨的苛刻。同时,她们还面临着毒品和性病的威胁。她们如同陷入绝境,有家不能回,有亲人无颜认。日复一日,年复一年,女孩们各奔东西,有的生了孩子,有的开始贩毒,有的被善良的客人带走。新人换旧人,又有一批山里来的孩子将步入这贫民窟……S21: The Khmer Rouge Death Machine/ / Rithy Panh
说句实话,看本片需要很大的勇气,许多时候寒气逼人,恐惧和心痛无以复加。片中人物对于历史的追溯主要通过活着的亲历者、已经被清空的当年监狱、保存完好的口供、犯人名册、档案、犯人照片等一手材料和亲历者的讲述、对当年场景的搬演以及一位画家的油画作品来展示。片中说770万人口,被屠杀了200万人。活下来的画家35岁时被抓,侥幸活命,拍摄时不到60岁,已经满头白发;杀人者当年还要年轻些,当时20岁出头,如今依然头发乌黑发亮。片中的杀人者和打手,有的感到很羞愧,有的很困惑,也有的找借口推托责任,但是黑白头发的对比上,不难...Women Behind Bars/ / jess franco
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