was drawn in some segments,but unfortunately,i just see half. Let a director do sth. good just in 50 seconds seems too unimaginalbe,but of course they are master,so they can make those 50 seconds produce nice cinema.
电影分部分: 1. Upptäckten; 2. Han - Hon; 3. Konfrontationer; 4. Daniel; 5. Birgit Nilsson; 6. Dygdens belöning; 7. Smycket; 8. Negressen i skåpet
This is an astonishing piece of work proving that Bergman had a clearly defined set of aesthetic ideas from very early in his career. The idea of the silence of god, the meaningless nature of life and consequently (and tragically) of art, the communication blocks dominating most of human relations and the epiphanic character of dreams. What distinguishes this movie most is it's very elaborated construction. For its 75 minutes the movie consists of layers upon layers of meaning that tend to make ...

Hamnstad" is one of the rare Swedish films focusing on family life.Its uniqueness is due to the fact that it has an eclectic mix of serious themes. These themes include bitter, harsh realities like abortion,broken home, correctional house etc. Bergman has deftly portrayed the dreary lives of its two lonely protagonists : Gosta and Berit. For this purpose, he has chosen a small provincial port town where nothing much happens. This film is a good record of how gloomy the life in Sweden (Europe) du...

For some reason, when I heard the term "early Bergman," I envisioned 'Music in Darkness (1948)' to be a rather primitive piece of film-making. Fortunately, I was pleasantly surprised, instead finding the film to be beautifully photographed by cinematographer Göran Strindberg, with all the refreshing themes and visuals we've come to expect from Sweden's master director. Bergman's fourth as director, the film is a fairly straightforward melodrama, dealing with a young man's attempts to accept a ne...
Kris/ / Ingmar Bergman
Bergman's adaptation of Leck Fischer's play behaves like a stage play that has been slightly adapted for the screen. It is essentially a chamber melodrama and it makes little use of the cinema's expanded scope. The film is watchable and the cast is competent. Almost everything about it is competent. It was Bergman's first go at directing a film. He was 27/28 years old at the time.
Bergman is clearly influenced by Ibsen - I say "is", because the old master (nearly 85 years old now) is still at i...
Close-Up/ / Abbas Kiarostami
Jean-Luc Godard and Woody Allen. Just by those two names you will know if this short interview-film, which has been seen by likely less than a hundred people since it was filmed almost twenty years ago, will be worth to see (and 80's era Godard and Woody no less). Basically, you get Godard's madman sensibilities as a filmmaker, playing around with the structure of a director interview, and you get Woody Allen's insights. Ironically, I think this was made for video, or at least shot on it (maybe ...
小花,1978年从上海航校分配到厂里,外号 “标淮件”,是工人心目中的美丽厂花。
闷热的广州,电扇将铁丝上挂着的衣裙吹起,缝隙间露出服装女工的脸.在缝纫机巨大的轰鸣声中,日光灯下的工人显得无比安静.那些即待出厂的衣服不知将会被谁穿起, 流水线上每一张面孔的未来都不够清晰.
《温床》的第二部分在曼谷进行,刘小东请来十二位热带女性为她们写生, 炎热的城市让女人们昏昏欲睡,唯有地上的水果鲜艳依旧。画家因体力的付出而渐感劳累,女人们却挣开眼合唱一曲欢快的歌。