缘/Karma / 王鸣
圣城拉萨,一个虔诚的藏族司机偶然迷失在物质与精神之间,最终得到心灵的解脱;同时,一个不谙世事的喇嘛为了完成寺院的重任,一时间被尘烟俗事困扰,却意外得到上天的眷顾,成就圆满。 In Tibet,Lhasa,the holy land.A young Tibetan driver who by accident lost in between the materialism and spiritual pursuit was finally released. An innocent Lama who walked out of the monastery with mission was disturbed by the worldly worries, and he was unexpectedly blessed in the end. Were they enligntened?« 上一页 1 下一页 »