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大桥下/Under the bridge / 王国庆

在武汉长江大桥桥头堡下,常年聚集着许多老人,紧贴老人休闲生活的是楚剧班子、歌唱艺术团;理发、拔牙、修指甲的手艺人,以及卖性药品、小食品的小商贩。他们交织在一起,构成了一幅小小的画卷。   All year long there are a lot of old people gathering together in their leisure time beneath the bridgehead of Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge. Right next to them are non-professional club of Chu Opera, amateur chorus, barbers, non-licensed dentists, nail artists, and private business men who sell sexual tools and sn...

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