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Reverse Angle/ / Wim Wenders


Der Himmel über Berlin/对号入座 / Wim Wenders

A calm and wonderful fantasy with such a simple vision that makes you want to believe in angels. Perhaps they are there... whenever my mood changes, seemingly unprompted, I always wonder. Hijacked and debased by people who don't know any better (even U2, I'm afraid, and the American remake must be avoided at all costs - ideally it should be wiped from the record and the memories of all who saw it) this film has become iconic and has infected the imaginations of countless filmmakers. Look carefu...

Bis ans Ende der Welt/Until the End of the World / Wim Wenders

Until the End of the World" is a movie that has never gotten the recognition that it deserves. Occurring in 1999, when the Indian nuclear satellite has gone out of control (and no one knows where it's going to land), the movie focuses on Frenchwoman Claire Tourneur (Solveig Dommartin) following American Sam Farber (William Hurt) all over the world. Sam has a most ingenious device that enables his blind mother (Jeanne Moreau) to see, and some other people are trying to get their hands on it. I s...

Al di là delle nuvole/aka Beyond the Clouds / Michelangelo Antonioni

Although I'm a big fan of his work, and specially his revolutionary masterpieces, I would say this film did not live up to my expectations regarding Antonioni's abilities. In one word, I found myself utterly bored. I could not bring myself to share any emotions with the characters (no matter how hard I tried) and finally gave up on watching it. Malkovich was poorly casted and instead of bringing warmth and real human emotions to the character, made it a drag and sometimes impossible to follow. T...

The End of Violence/暴力启示录 / Wim Wenders

I expected much of this movie, since I think Gabriel Byrne and Andie MacDowell are fine actors. But what a disappointment! It did not really bother me that it was a very slow movie (although I almost fell asleep sometimes), but for me, the story was a big question mark. I have seen complicated movies before, but I always understood them (Usual Suspects, Memento, Mission Impossible, ...). I would not recommend this movie to anybody, it is boring and it makes no sense! 本片恰如其名,极具暴力和恐...

U2: The Best of 1990-2000/ / Wim Wenders

Truly this is one of the best collections of music videos (next to Radiohead: 7 Television Commercials). They introduce us to something we've never seen before that makes them unique from each other and other music videos. Very few of the 26 total videos I don't like that much, mainly because they are just boring performances and I've been spoiled by the greatness of the others. But don't let these stop you, there are plenty more that are amazing. My favorites are "If God Will Send His Angels," ...

采薇/ / 赵晔


Mala educación, La/Bad Education / Pedro Almodóvar

Spoilers Since 'Hable con ella' ('Talk to her', for which my summary line was 'Almodovar mellowing?') which some consider Almodovar's best, his fans have been looking forward to his next one with great expectation but also some apprehension as to how could he possibly tope it, in the sheer ingenious creativity, if nothing else. Bound for Cannes release, Bad Education soon demonstrated that the apprehension is not unfounded. It is, after all, not easy to surpass the achievement of Hanle con ella...

现实是过去的未来/Disorder / 黄伟凯

我们每天的日常生活里充斥着各种荒诞的事件。影片由20多个发生在城市里的事件拼贴而成:一个拿不到赔偿金而扬言自杀的男人;一个在路中央手舞足蹈的疯子;一群在高速路上失控的猪;随意乱过马路的行人;在消费过程中出现的假钞;在建筑工地里发现的文物;城市的河流里既有打着环保旗号的游泳队伍,又有不怕肮脏的渔夫,甚至还有一条逃跑出来的鳄鱼…… 导演阐述:在两年间我收集了DV爱好者拍摄的各种素材,并决定做一部有自己风格的城市交响曲。一直以来,城市交响曲形式的纪录片都没有展现现实的声音,如沃尔特?鲁特曼的《柏林:城市交响...

Opéra mouffe, L'/L'Op□ra-Mouffe / Agnès Varda

A bit overshadowed by the works of male filmmakers of the late 1950s and early Sixties in France –as Godard, Chabrol, Truffaut and Resnais-, that helped to found the "nouvelle vague", Varda is nevertheless known as the "grandmother" of this film movement, with her praised first feature "La pointe-courte" (1956) and this beautiful short made in Paris while she was pregnant, a homage to the Mouffetard street in Paris and its people, to love, life and old age, which she defined as "neighborhood ci...

Jules et Jim/祖与占 / François Truffaut

Those with heavy sensibilities along the lines of conventional "morality" seem to have a hard time allowing themselves to enjoy this film for what it is: A beautiful visual poem about the passing of time and the progression and growth of an unusual friendship. This friendship may be unusual but feels completely natural and true. Jules and Jim if anything, exhibit great maturity in their relationship with each other and Catherine. It's refreshing to see a film dealing with a deep love, friendship...

Francis, God's Jester/ / Roberto Rossellini

故事发生在13世纪,一个传教士来到了一个野蛮未开化的地方,他将基督的福音和训诫传递给当地的人们,从而改变了他们的思想和生活,最后弗朗西斯和修道士继续上路,传播福音。影片根据意大利阿西斯镇上一个圣芳济修道院的壁画改编,它以11个片断表现了弗朗西斯传道的故事,这部在当时商业上惨败的电影在半个世纪后却成为经典,他在银幕上第一次提出了非暴力的精神,那个去感化野蛮人的教士是令人感动的。《圣弗朗西斯的花束The Flowers of St. Francis》是值得一看的,当野蛮人都可以教化的时候,我们的时代有必要回到狼群吗?可是,我们的...

Que Viva Mexico!/ / Sergei Eisenstein

[墨西哥万岁]是俄国电影之父、世界电影的先驱——谢尔盖·爱森斯坦拍摄的关于墨西哥历史与文化的纪录片。1934年即结束拍摄,却直到爱森斯坦死后30多年(1979年)才由他的助手亚历山德洛夫剪辑完成。   墨西哥在20世纪初期就完成了社会主义革命,这片充满新鲜感和生机的土地令爱森斯坦对她满怀好奇与激情。在拍摄预算只有两万五千美元的情况下,爱森斯坦却拍摄了大量素材。79年亚历山德洛夫根据爱森斯坦生前的剧本把[墨西哥万岁]剪辑成了几个部分,每个部分都是墨西哥某一时期在某个地区的生活。其中,爱森斯坦对自己开创的蒙太奇理论进行...

Tillflykt/ / Mikael Wiström

庞克音乐家David Sandström在美国的一场音乐会上与他的乐队成员发生冲突。庞克音乐曾引领他走向世界,现在他决定寻找回归之路,到瑞典北方的家乡去制作音乐。David的奶奶曾将Sara Lidman的两本书放在他手上。而后他也将Sune Jonsson的照片挂在自己在Umeå的公寓里。此后,Sara Lidman的书和Sune Jonsson的照片成为了他永久的精神伴侣。影片中,Sara的文字,Sune的照片和David的音乐交相叠印,引领我们走向内心的家园。

UNE HISTOIRE D'EAU/A Story of Water / Jean-Luc Godard

18min   A young woman is going to Paris by bus, but when she steps out of her house she discovers that her garden and the whole village is flooded with water. With a boat and a bike she succeeds to reach a dry spot in the village. There a young man in a car offers her a lift. They drive around in circles, trying to find a way out of the area, but all ways are blocked by the water. Concurrently with the ever rising water the emotions within the two young people also start rising. At last they f...

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