反刍/ / 徐若涛
这是一部将历史事件倒置的影片,但是人物却顺应自然规律在成长。 一个长不大的男孩和他心目中那个自由的青年、一对貌合神离的夫妇和一群红卫兵、一个告密者、一个超然物外的流浪者,他们在1966年到1976年间相遇、交叉,在情感和政治抉择间作出选择,以不同的方式对抗命运或顺应命运。 故事在1973年发生逆转,男教师和红卫兵一行人经过跋涉进入了一座陈旧的工厂,在这里他们的革命理想已经成为遗迹,并且与一个流浪者相遇,他们用时代所特有的方式与其交流,并对时间产生疑问:难道革命刚刚开始就结束了?难道我们被伟大的时代抛弃? 哲学...算命/Fortune Teller / 徐童
《算命》记述了算命先生厉百程和他老伴,曲折的人生故事。 第一回 厉百程算定孤单命 唐小雁棒打无赖汉 第二回 厉百程且说结婚事 小神仙画符财运红 第三回 小神仙进货大悲院 尤小云问事行宫村 第四回 放生养生兄弟俩各有说道 改名改命唐小雁泪流无成 第五回 避严冬厉百程返青龙县 看哥嫂老两口奔白虎沟 第六回 回娘家石珍珠记忆尤在 扒祖坟石大哥是为后人 第七回 找残联碰钉子冷脸官腔 住旅店嫖暗娼吐露私情 第八回 四兄弟大难压身是凶宅 一把牌江湖游戏只为财 第九回 三春归燕郊自有操练 五更赶辛集直待运来 ...上访/PETITION / 赵亮
赵亮自1996年开始拍摄这部纪录片,因对上访人的状态感兴趣而拍摄,其后坚持了12年,直到北京奥运会后才完成拍摄。Kumbha Mela/ / Michelangelo Antonioni
Boy was I annoyed with Antonioni for suggesting i sit in an art gallery screening for nearly twenty minutes and watch this. It took so much persistance not to walk out on this piece of garbage - i think it pretty much spoiled everybody's time at the screening of Antonioni's shorts that none of us got to enjoy his more beautiful takes on Rome and Sicily. The images of this indian celebration (i was ignorant to what exactly thanks to a lack of narration or title cards or anything - but this is no...Fitzcarraldo/ / Werner Herzog
Perhaps Aguirre is the better film but Brian Fitzgerald (Fitzcarraldo) is an even better character. We love dreamers and Fitz may be the greatest dreamer ever created on film. Kinski in his white suit with his "Hair by Charlie Manson" manning the turret atop the Molly Aida, firing volleys of Caruso at the native tribesman. Ah, unforgettable. Herzog is a truly unique voice and has never been afraid to experiment. Fitzcarraldo is one of the experiments that succeeds 一个热爱卡鲁索...Woyzeck/Werner Herzog's Woyzeck / Werner Herzog
This movie is far from perfect, but there are a few scenes here and there that are absolutly hair-raising : Kinski in a state of total exaustion at the begining, the scene in the woods when he starts to hear voices and the unbeleivable murder scene consisting of two shots disguised as one that last about 5 minutes in slow motion (it has to be seens to be beleived). The use of music is fantastic, the photography impecable. Herzog does as usual and captures another world while Kinski is plainly li...Hunger/ / Steve McQueen
Sydney Film Festival 2008 – I was looking forward to seeing Hunger at the Sydney Film Festival as it had just recently won the Camera d'Or (best first feature) at Cannes. The subject matter also seemed interesting being about Bobby Sands, the IRA hunger striker who starved to death in a Northern Ireland Prison in 1981 (more prisoners died after him). What I was not expecting was the aural and visual assault on the senses that this film puts the viewer through from the opening scenes. This is a ...I Dream of Augustine/ / Cordelia Beresford
呈現多變的肢體動作及凌厲的鏡頭調度告别圆明园/Farewell Yuanmingyuang / 赵亮
1995 年夏天,圆明园的朋友告诉我警察开始抓人了,我觉得应该记录下这件事情,由于我当时没有摄像机,于是就找朋友王永刚商量,他帮我买了一台HI8摄像机,于是就拍摄了圆明园画家村的最后时刻。« 上一页 1 下一页 »