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在影片中搜索: 路上

戀人路上/Lovers on the Road / 曾翠珊

蒋蕾与男朋友南大吵了一场,他们依然上路,感情形势令她不得不对周边环境警觉起来。在行将举行奥运的京城,蕾去纪录其它外来者的心声,问他们叫甚么名字,是哪裹人,今年多大,在北京多久,此刻最想念的是甚么。同样的问题她也要交出答案,然后,她问着从日本来的道治。曾翠珊的第一部长片延续她之前几部短片的女生飘泊主题,陌生人在同一天空下的心路意象:单车游城,油菜花田,大佛脚下,均不落俗套。 Lei and her boyfriend Nam have a big fight over an ex of his before moving to Beijing. Now he works in a design firm, and sh...

去大海的路上/on the way to the sea / 古涛


路上/On The Road / 杨弋枢

农历春节前夕 卡车司机从江苏南通出发 送货到贵州 出发后他们才知道 他们碰上了雪灾 Lunar New Year’s Eve A rare snowstorm , seen only once in a century hit China’s southern regions. The truck driver sets off from Nantong in Jiangsu province with a delivery for Guizhou. Susong in Anhui province

在路上/ / 土本典昭

描写的是1963年日本经济高速增长时期,随着城市建设的快速发展,交通状况日益恶化背景下,东京的出租车司机们的日常生活和严酷的生存环境。在20世纪50年代龟井文夫的现实主义成为纪录电影主流的背景下,这部电影的前卫性犹如一枚炸弹,引爆了一场电影革命,为60年代的纪录电影开创了新的地平线。铃木达夫优美的35毫米摄影技术和风格,也成为日后摄影师们争相效仿的楷模。Tokyo in 1963 during the middle of high economic growth, when city maintenance construction was proceeding at a fast pitch. This is a record of the city and...

Fitzcarraldo/ / Werner Herzog

Perhaps Aguirre is the better film but Brian Fitzgerald (Fitzcarraldo) is an even better character. We love dreamers and Fitz may be the greatest dreamer ever created on film. Kinski in his white suit with his "Hair by Charlie Manson" manning the turret atop the Molly Aida, firing volleys of Caruso at the native tribesman. Ah, unforgettable. Herzog is a truly unique voice and has never been afraid to experiment. Fitzcarraldo is one of the experiments that succeeds         一个热爱卡鲁索...

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