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在影片中搜索: 王宪平

挂/Hanger / 王宪平

南京青年陈真酷爱纹身,但似乎纹身已不能满足他的需求,他希望做一些更刺激的事,2007年10月,他从北京专门请来人体改造师大飞,在一个酒吧里,表演了一场惊心动魄的人体悬挂行为。在大家惊呼的同时,他却显得那么从容,跟女友拥抱在一起。 Chen Zhen, a young man from Nanjing, is crazy about tattoo. However, it seems that tattoo can not meet his needs. He wants something more amazing. In October 2007, he gave a most thrilling and exciting show about body hanging. While all the audience were shouting and screaming...

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